>no source for the quote
>well, he *totally* would've said it...
Still waiting.
>no source for the quote
>well, he *totally* would've said it...
Still waiting.
oy vey morty give me a break over heah yeesh! we both know nothing i provide you with will satisfy you no need to be a putz about and you're making me terribly verklempt!
Don't you lot routinely complain about how shit-tier lefties and SJWs are at providing evidence and having rational debate?
>we both know nothing i provide you with
You have nothing to provide me with.
The only source for that quote, AFAIK, is a lone book, and it's never been backed up by anyone else.
oy you really like to turn the screws don't ya?! but it aint an accident that quote is popularly attributed to lbj on account of the fact that it undoubtedly reflects the general attitude of the time period which i must remind you is what is actually being debated i.e. that liberals often view blacks as children. *phew*
Again, all I would like is some actual proof that L.B.J. ever quipped about how he would "have those niggers voting Democrat for 200 years"
A dubious quote doesn't reflect anything.
but you agree that it is entirely possible a known madman like lbj could have said something like that and that many liberal politicians are condescending towards black people?
No more than any right-wing/Republican politician *could* have said it, or that right-wingers are condescending towards black people.
It's funny, because you're basically doing what is illustrated in your picture.
>he said it
>well maybe he said it
>he *could've* said it
>maybe he didn't say it, but it still proves my point
why is everyone condescending towards black people do you think?
Mugabe commits genocide against the white Rhodesians.
Ian denies franchise to most africans until they prove themselves to be mentally equal to whites. Doesn't fund education equally.
What does this have to do with the fact that L.B.J. likely never used that quote?