I'd kill to go back in time, tell Marx what the fruits of his work have been like, and watch him rip his hair and beard off in frustration as I have him read Kolakowski and Arond.
Laclau and the Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice call it neo-marxism, and it has everything to do with marxism because if it wasn't for The German Ideology and Das Kapital we wouldn't be here, cry more my dear orthodox marxists
Gavin Scott
> The reason people aren't revolting already is because the bourgeois superculture brainwashed them.
Gentlemen, have you considered that the working classes may not be the unwashed, huddled dupes your posts have painted them as?
Maybe they are distinctly aware, by proxy of doing a lot of unpleasant labor, that they are getting a bum deal, economically speaking. Maybe they also have an inkling of the human and economic cost to overthrow our liberal capitalist society for a system that may or may not result in an improved standard of living?
And that this, rather than whatever opiate of the masses you would prefer, is the reason for a lack of support for economic revolution?
Aaron Ross
>You're either orthodox or revisionist
sorry man, but i don't have to subscribe to one particularly popular form of marxism in order to be considered "not orthodox." the claim that identity politics have nothing to do with marxism is obviously polemical—one can very easily trace the genealogy of these ideas. that doesn't mean they are the best, only, or "correct" form of marxism, what ever that might be.
Eli Young
So people can know what we're talking about, here:
Gaze into the madness that inhabits the mind of one of the men who came up with the phrase "cultural marxism". Come for over 100 intellectuals being literally put to the sword for thoughtcrime, stay for black people voting themselves to be lynched and moved back onto the plantations.