Today I gave my brother a hand to fire up his KX85, man that thing is fun!
/usdbt/ - No eurocuck edition
Doesn't explain why foreigners constantly post about us. It's an obsession.
>Buy expensive bike
>Cant enjoy it properly because its shit
>Needs to buy 3rd party accessories or parts
Sounds like a cuckold to me ;)
You sound pretty gay lad
You need to be more specific.
I am pretty sure I can now cut my commute down to 25 minutes if I am aggressive (but not taking risks).
Used to take me an hour there and more than an hour back.
Baiku is life
Post nakeds. Possibly of you coming on her tiddies.
>Picking a picture for new profile pic
>fuck I look disgusting
>have a beer
>handsome as fuck
Trust you guys to be discussing the attractiveness of people rather than bikes.
Not saying she isn't attractive. She's just generic. Don't worry about it dude.