hahaha only fucking losers play with swords lmao get a life u nerd
Historical European martial arts:
>desu when I think of German swordfighting it's mostly landsknechts with zweihanders.
In fact, most of the large two-handers stuff is mostly if not only spanish and portuguese, plus a couple of italians, there aren't sources for those in german.
If you are mostly interested in it as a subject, not for study, there are some sites which contains a lot of information, like HROARR or Wiktenauer, but it can be pretty serious and academic.
>On thing on those living lineages though
And that's why they are "living lineages", the evolve through time... It's not like they pretend (actively) otherwise.
German sword fighting school > French > English > Spanish >>>>>>>>>>> Italian
> It's not like they pretend (actively) otherwise.
Some of them do actually
That is if you like to get stuck in the 15th century...
Maybe a bit unfair since Meyer is cool and all but still, guy has plenty of Italian influence, he is almost italian.
Give names then please.
Anyway, even with these kind of sort of obvious things, I'd still favor a living lineage to a dead one who needs to be reconstructed from books and such.
Not to imply that what the HEMA movement is trying to do and does is worthless, quite the contrary, it's definitely the harder way. Problem is you don't know what you don't know and you can't know when you're right. Doesn't stop them of doing very sensible and valuable things though.
My understanding is TSKSR under Otake maintains their kata are all tenshinsho. I cant think of any of the top of my head but I have heard a number of people suggest their style is virtually unchanged since the time of the founder.
I am actually on your side on the living vs reconstruction issue
I was mostly kinda joking, hell if I know what each of the schools teach
I know they exist and I've read them up on Wikipedia, but that was so long ago I forgot what the actual differences between the schools were
Also muh mystical Asian martial arts defeats inferior barbarian "hash-n-slash" of westerners.
The Katana's steel has been folded 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000X
>Not Fiore
I'm disappointed in you user