>there are people who think this shit actually happened
Why is Veeky Forums full of uneducated people?
>there are people who think this shit actually happened
Why is Veeky Forums full of uneducated people?
Epic, you can use paint to remove two "(You)"
Bravo nolan
>bravo nolan
Why are /tv/ats always the biggest imbeciles of Veeky Forums
But I'm from /pol/
Sure you are.
>protected Europe from Ottomans for centuries
They basically wanted peace with the Turks and until the 1700 resorted to snatch away and incorporate the rests of the kingdoms that had actually fought the Turks and failed (hungarians, croatians) as a result of the Franco-Ottoman alliance. After 1700 they settled things with the Ottomans and didn't move a finger to liberate the balkans from ottoman rule.
>snatch away and incorporate the rests of the kingdoms that had actually fought the Turks and failed
you mean liberating countries de iure ruled by Habsburgs. And there were several Austro-Ottoman wars in 18th century.
why you even bother with trolls?
The eternal Austrian is just as perfidious and just as evil as the eternal perfidious Albion.
They're just more incompetent.
>can't beat Serbia
>can't beat fucking Italy
>roflstomped by prussia
>roflstomped by russia
>can't defend without polish help, turns around and stabs poland in the back
>can't defend, uses croats, serbs and hungarians as meat shield
>can't even handle it's own ethnic rebellions without russian help, stabs russia in the back
>can't beat prussia without russian help
>drags german states into self destructive conflicts 3 times