Holy viking fuck! Vikings sucked!

[snownigging intensifies]

>not knowing that every state has a national guard

No the federal government has national guards in every state. The national guard is not part of the state government, it's part of the federal/NATIONAL government.

>h, is that why they still have immense genetic markers on modern Europe, bankrupted much of the continent, and why we're speaking a Norse based language? They sucked so much at warfare that France ceded huge territories to them

Normandy is a tiny duchy, and France ceded territory to stop the raid, not because they were powerful, if they powerful they would conquered France.

>h, is that why they still have immense genetic markers on modern Europe, bankrupted much of the continent, and why we're speaking a Norse based language? They sucked so much at warfare that France ceded huge territories to them

Normandy is a tiny duchy, and France ceded territory to stop the raid, not because they were powerful, if they were powerful they would have conquered France.

And yet, each state has headquarters and internally manages their stations

>my son is black

The national guard is federally funded and under the authority of the federal government. It is not a state institution.

844 first raid on Spain and Portugal

>first time we get so far in the south
>take and loot Gijon
>easy but no money there let's follow
>take Coruña
>more fun and some money
>oh shit Christian King Ramiro I chimps out
>the moorkiller crush us badly
>leave quick but left behind the loot
>ridiculous back home
>let's try more south in muslim lands
>attack and loot around Lisbon
>too good too easy
>let's make it big let's go to the big city
>attack Sevilla
>Blammen ("Black Men", Arabs) run away
>loot burn rape
>drakkars full of gold
>better week of my life
>Emir Abd ar-Rahman II sends huge army
>big battle in Tablada
>oh no
>worse day in my life
>1000 vikings KIA
>30 drakkars burnt
>400 prisoners
>Emir decides to send a message
>beheads 200 prisoners and send the heads to Tangiers
>survivors had a choice
>convert and be nice slave-peasants under the Emir's rules
>or die

>bye bye Thor and Odin