/poeg/ - Path of Exile General

ur tree looks disgusting. work on it imo

You could get heretics. I can't remember how bad they nerfed that. Maybe it's shit now lmao

He's asking for advice. What would plugging it into path of building do for him?

>inb4 it's all unfinished like act 3 used to be

I would only play it with the bow version with decay if I had to again.

everyone at the top playing babbyblast totems
really killed competition

You can't stack up ED damage so all you'd have to do is either keep casting Wither (or just use it as a totem as I did) and then hope or run from the enemies and keep contagion and ED up, hoping it will kill them.
Trash falls almost isntantly, but bosses take a while.
If you want a similar but funner build, go scorch. With scorch you can actually stack up dmg and pretend the spell had an actually decent sound effect.

Yes it's fast and fun, it's not slow at all!!
That's not useful advice..

>playing ed without decay in any year

kill yourself, faggot. Quit acting like a bitch. At least people are responding to you. Be happy with what you get

tried ED in SSF, would not recommend
damage is ass without poison/decay