/tbcg/ - The Burning Crusade General


Fuck off weeaboo retard.

>w-we should be allowed to fuck up on boss fights and not come prepared to play to the mathematical best of your ability

Stick to Legion, kiddo.

literally why not just play vanilla instead

Nice try, retailshill, but kael was only nerfed when wotlk was released. Keep spouting your bullshit tho. It's pretty amusing reading you dig yourself deeper and deeper.

why can't the dumb fucking poolish niggers fix spell resists already

>more people cleared TBC raids than HC modes in wrath or cataclysm
this is completely fucking wrong, or you're fucking stupid and trying to compare the number of progression raiders who completed post-TBC prenerf content to the 2.4.3 population of TBC who, on the whole, was capable of pugging up to sunwell at that point in time.

compare the number of people who went through 2.0 all the way to 2.4.3 and completed the content prenerf to the number of players who went from 3.0 to 3.3.5 and completed the content prenerf

implying nihilum cucks are in D&C

Thanks, D&C just got 5 more members today.

Again, you didn't play TBC. Whole tier5 content was retuned big time, biggest change being the fucking trash that was previously on a shorter than 1hour respawn. Kael himself was severely bugged before this too, as was Vashj. You'd remember all this if you actually played