>he doesn't realize Hellfire Pen is the best zone Blizzard has ever made
/tbcg/ - The Burning Crusade General
I'd expect more when you spam invite every low level on the server. How many people left?
How hard is that, exactly, when recruiting normies?
Shit taste detected.
It's probably the weakest of the TBC zones, and I'm counting shadowmoon.
Our recruiting is 40+ atm but I'm enjoying the salt
f-fuck ...
>when you a physicist and clone yourself to raid TBC and consider the clones your brothers
shadow council cucks will never know this noncorrupt feeling
>Whole tier5 content was retuned big time
they stealthfixed kael phase 1 and hydross trash respawn timer, and vashj was still downed legit even though bugs made her unlootable.
is the wrong word, faggot. magtheridon was the only one who was retuned
>perception is the alliance equivalent to WotF
>people actually believe this
You can get the opener on an undead priest/rogue as alliance priest/rogue and you will still lose every time if they have the same skill level as you.