Empty calories

>Empty calories
When will this meme end?

keep justifying eating shit-tier food

>i-if it fits your macros guys!

THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS, i mean, as long as you dont care about your lifespan

>eating healthy is a meme

>you're body cares wether carbs cone from pizza or brown rice
Top kek m8

It's basically like Veeky Forums

You can spend hours and hours on here hoping to find a good thread, which eventually always pop up or you could go walking or some shit

The former being eating bad and the latter good

Did you even read his post

pretty sure that if you wanna hit your micros with junk food you'll overshoot on macros

dirty bulkers are fags

No, your body cares about the multitude of other macro and micro-nutrients, minerals and vitamins that you get while consuming those calories.