Progress thread

Progress thread.

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AIDS thread?

Throw this guy in the trash

Probably the only person I've ever seen who looked worse going from fat to thin

Lighting and loose neck skin is his real problem.

this guy got aids or something?

what he needs is to loose that cheesy smile and get a haircut that fits the shape of his new face.

something not slicked back, possibly up.

also, lose the goatee, try a short beard with a tan and hes probably gonna look a good 2-3 points better.

also, his thin neck adds a negative effect as well, if he puts muscle mass on that'll change too.

most men can easily make themselves look better, most dont realise it or dont give a fuck or are too lazy to commit to keeping an appearence

im just gonna add something else i just realise.

those harry potter glasses need to fucking go.

get something wayfarer/helvetica shaped.

you hear that Pen?

i know youre not listening and i know you dont give a fuck but whatvr. im just using you as an example for my point.

he just need to kill himself only then can his life be perfect


Nigga looks like he just got liberated from a concentration camp

his turkey neck now makes him look worse

Fuck it. I'll go first. 238-158 ish.

This weight loss inspired me to go from 295 to 135 while I was still young and capable of a rebound. To spend your life as big as Penn was, then to lose the weight is a terrible idea.


Started at 375 - regretting that I didn't take my first progress picture until 315. I guess I didn't believe that I was going to make it.

65 pounds to go, lads.

Nice work, m8s.

kek he's melting

I really need bigger arms. God damn.

He went vegan on a quest to lose weight.

Great work m8

Gonna make some extra dosh walking around the strip as The Melted-Wax Man after I get through this.

You're an inspiration, mang. You made it.

This guy was on my feed today

Great fucking job dude.
Real nice keep it up. Too bad the tat wasnt lost too. Jk jk jk

From fatty to the human turtle, there are no winners here

This is almost miraculous. You're a hero, user. Keep going, get shredded and become the new king of /fit. Not even kidding. Going from skin and bone to Zzyz isn't easy, but "making it" from 389 lbs is almost unheard of.

>11 months

thanks bros. you all keep me going.

we'll all make it some day.

>trashman fell for the vegan troll

Good progress lad, not your level of previous fatness but just wondering did diet play a big role in losing the last bit of love handles and fat around lower abdomen?
At the moment noticing my love handles shrinking but dunno if due to cutting out sugar or just increasing my deadlifts.

I caught onto the joke after you said this, thanks user.

>11 months just for shaving a few pubescent chest hair

white snoop dogg

How big are your arms?

diet is paramount at all points. if you want to get smaller, keep cutting. they'll catch some day.

upper arms are just over 14 inches. they're awful.

I ask because they look alright. Bigger than mine look and mine are 15.5 without a pump. Weird.

Just hammer curl the piss out of them. I work my arms every workout personally after compounds and it's probably helping though I can't notice shit.

>When you look back on your gains and realized you could have made it all and more on a 12 week cycle of test

Shit happens, I'm over it

>Loose pec skin cause cut
>Looks normal when bulking
This happened to me too. Cuts are for fags keep doing gods work.

Should have trained lats more

6'4, pic on the right was taken two days ago

I don't have any pics to share, but I am thinking about changing my diet. I have been trying a 1000 Calorie deficit since February 1st. I have lost 4 kg so far, but I should have lost way more by now, like at least 15 kg total. I keep going off my diet when I'm under stress because I get hungry in the evening when I'm stressed out. Since I can't seem to stick to this diet I am thinking about switching to a 500 Calorie deficit. How much weight can I expect to lose if I switch to 2000 Calories a day and go to the gym once per week?

112 kg
168 cm

Hey man how was the excess skin problem?

Too much of a pussy to post but I've lost 30 pounds and gained muscle. Its so strange flexing my arms and actually feeling a hard muscle there, when in the past it was just mush, its an incredible feel man

it's pretty bad. theres a kind of webbing under my arms and my stomach sags pretty bad.

if i bend over it'll hang a good 4 or 5 inches off my midsection and thats a year of sitting at roughly 200lbs. surf shirts for summer and compression undershirts/shorts are a godsend.

will it go away eventually?

only through surgery or permanently cruising on test for the rest of my life to fill it out. which ive started to consider since im in my 30s.

spent entirely too long being entirely too big. body can only take so much.


Amon Amarth \m/

Not much, I am doing 1700 cals each day, gym 6 times a week, with cardio 2-3 times a week and I am only slowly losing weight.

With what you want I don't think you'd lose much at all. Just stick to your diet, go to bed hungry, drink some water.

That shirt is long gone. Don't know where it went. Only shirts I have left are literally in rags. Turned two of them into cutoffs.

My progress as of this morning:

You give me the strange feeling that I will do the same. I am a metalhead with around 80% of bands/dark shirts. Currently cutting, but will start bulking soon.

By the way, good progression. Will you continue bulking or start cutting?

Dunno, whatever keeps me gaining strength and muscle. Last week I went on a 1.5k cal deficit and trained every day for 3-4 hours(20 minutes HIIT and full body training with alternating heavy light days) just to see how much weight I could lose in a week and I lost about 5-6lbs. Probably not healthy but whatever fuck it were freaks we don't care about injuries.

Never skip chest day

he did it by going vegan

Nice lad, real nice.

Vegans usually look quite sickly like that. It's sad.

Some progress made m8
More progress
Lookin joocy

>new phone so no old pics with same angle etc.
80kg 179cm

>tfw someone acknowledges all your hard work

Feels good man.

dude, you're awesome.
and that really isn't much excess skin considering your weight before. did you do anything to keep it that minimal?

You look fantastic, man.

11 months of what? sucking dick?

either your lazy as shit or just bad genes sorry

>down 40kgs in one year
Congrats man!

dem legs

Jonah Hill


Don't listen to this turdbag

All but two of my t-shirts are band tees, and I'm currently growing out of one half of them and growing into the other half lol. Most of my smaller tees were my favourite though, so I think I'll turn them into a comfy blanket or something like that when I absolutely can't wear them anymore.

I was 136 last January actually. So it's a lost 60 kg



Dunno, I think it's pretty average. Got big legs tho.

4 months of SS. Went from 190cm 70kg to 190cm 80kg. Pls r8 no h8.

Also had nipple replacement surgery


>"If you're getting medical advice from a Las Vegas magician, you're doing something wrong."
-Penn Jillette.

only pics i have. advice?

Keep cutting

I've seen lots of fatties and former fatties have that fold on the side of their belly.

What is it?

nipple story please


that's my surgery scar. not sure about other fatties.

What surgery? Appendectomy?


That's some great progress, my man.

yes. both scars actually. it was very complicated.

150 - 175
5'11 - 6'0
Almost 2 year progress on mostly brosplit/Pplx2

focus on chest more

other than that I'm mirin hard, good genetics

nice m8, how long between pics ?

You went from beta loser to ultra douche in no time. Just look at those uncaring eyes.

went from 245 lbs to 170 lbs

gonna start doing a bodyweight routine next monday.

also fuck cheat meals....had one last night and that shit just made me feel sick and not want to eat today

Congrats mate. What was your routine?

you look good man but it honestly doesn't look like your chest has grown at all. What gives?

either post body or fuck off faggot.
good job m9.

god mode right here.

It's definitely my weakest point but I also think the pic doesn't emphasize it as much, I can bench 235,incline Dumbell 80x6, dip 15 times with 45lb weight and I do high to low cable flyes

Pic related is a little better but still not as good

115-195 5'10


Get big lats and shoulders and obliques to round it out

mirin shoulders famlam

Don't listen to the haters. You're on a good way and this body type is actually what women want. Have fun this summer.

Cut it off on a rampage while high on fentanyl. Never did fenta again.

The routine is simple:
>eat around 1200 - 1400 calories / day
>exercise 4 - 5 times a week

The exercise started out being simply walking on a treadmill with incline. Then I kept increasing pace and incline. Then I started running once a week. When I could run 5 km, I started increasing pace, so I could get under 5 min/km pace. When I could do that, I increased to 10 km, and replaced all my cardio with running, so now I run 3 times a week @ 10-ish km and lift weights 2 times a week.

Most of the progress is from last September until start April. Haven't really lost anything all of April despite continuing my routine.