>not dating a womanlet

How tall is your gf Veeky Forums?

5'11 maybe 5'10 idk just a few inches shorter than me

Giants have it made
>have hot fucking 4 1/2 foot asian chick at work
>always wears tight dress and form fitting blouses
>can think of nothing better than tossing that bitch around and dominating her tiny body with my (relatively) giant dick
>she works in hr so itll never happen


isn't that the porn guy from BLACKED

she's 5'4

I'm 6'2

Utc lol

dude, thats Michael Jordan

If you date a womanlet, you're probably a pedo as well

> tfw 5'9 and have 5'3 100lb fuckbuddy

I thought womanlets were supposed to be the most discriminatory group of all

>Dooming your offspring to be manlets

>tfw lanklets really have made it
>every girl is a little girl

Curse my moderately short 5'8 body

not my problem

your only goal in life is to spread your genes in the best possible way
yes, it's your problem. You don't notice now, you'll regret you didn't notice later

claims to be 5'5 but is taller than my bro who claims to be 5'6

ex was 5'2 which is only good for spooning

4'9, and I'm 5'9. Never really cared about height desu. The problem with most women

just fuck a schoolgirl you fuckin pedo


I'm good senpai. I'd rather take an older woman as shes a half a decade older than me. 18yo's are pretty nice though. 16-17 is legal in most states so I've hit that young before on occasion.

that might be your goal.
mine is to get swole & play vidya in peace

Why is this site full of cucks now? What happened?

> 5'7
> Girlfriend is same height as me
> Actually embarrassed with myself when she wears heels.
> Not small enough to be a true unloved mantlet
> Not tall enough to be a normie

Its like living in a goddamn limbo

5'6 and 6'5 here

>be me, 6'2
>at a rave/show last night
>couldn't find any drugs so i'm just drunk
>in the crowd with friends
>qt petite blonde girl walks up behind me and asks to get on my shoulders
>shes probably 5'2 or 5'3, at most 100 lbs
>shes with a guy awkwardly standing by her
>he is literally the same height as her
>i ask why not get on his shoulders
>he mumbles out that hes too fucked up
>i know the truth
>crouch down and pick up this little qt like its nothing
>she stays on my shoulders the rest of the show (30 mins or so)
>keep her on my shoulders walking out of the venue, we lost her friend in the crowd somehow
>when we are out of the big crowd i pick her up by her ass from my shoulders and put her down, she is super giggly
>tell her she should go find her boyfriend
>"oh hes just a friend"
>i tell her she can come back with me and try to get a hold of him at my place since theres so many people out here
>she says ok
>she comes back with me, fuck her twice, she just left
>immediately turn on computer and shitpost on Veeky Forums

when will they learn

>mfw im my own gf

>immediately turn on computer and shitpost on Veeky Forums
>immediately turn on computer and lie on Veeky Forums

Eh, I'll let the more intelligent rich and motivated people have children. I don't need to pass on my genes, just like you don't need to pass on your genes. At this point, the human race is ok, despite what your fringe propaganda tells you.

Im 6'1, shes 4'11

Im 6 foot even and my gf is 5 foot even

>tfw she has to stand on her tippy toes to kiss me :3

>that might be your goal
It's yours too, you're just lulling yourself in manchildhood.

>I don't need to pass on my genes, just like you
Please talk for yourself only.

My gf does that all the time but she has big boobs so when she hugs me hard on her tip toes her tits are right into my stomach and it makes me wanna throw up. I have to constantly remind her to stay flat footed

wife is 5'8" I'm 5'10
>at least our kids will be tall.
>when she wears heels she towers over me and uses me as an armrest
>her dad, brother and brother-in-law are all over 6' I look like I'm visiting from The Shire in family portraits

i mean the only thing i'd really be able to prove is that i'm 6'2. it was at a diplo concert and the girl was definitely rolling

These womanlets you love get fat as fuck because of their so low maintenace brehs.

>dating a giant
this is my fetish can i have her bunghole

Speak for yourself, you fucking nu-male faggot. Glad to know the thousands of men who fought, struggled, and survived get to see all of it down the shitter because you're a fucking failure.

you're pretty much admitting to being nothing more than a mindless cog in a machine, who should just do the single task it was made for and die so the next can take it's place

how does it make you feel knowing you're a conformist retard?

>thousands of men fought, struggled, and survived to produce a manlet

I think 165 to 175 is the perfect height for a girl

Whatever he is, he could repair the damage his farther did by finding a tall girl. But instead he's going to probably spend his time growing a faggot beard and playing video games because anything else would put him in a position of responsibility. BUT AT LEAST HE'S GOT THAT SWEET BEARD WAX BRO.

>6'2, blue eyes brown hair
>fiance is 5'10 green eyes blonde hair

Feels good that we're going to pass on our superior genes.

Look everyone, the edgy teen has joined the thread. Why don't you and your baby's first existential crisis go cry somewhere else.

That's not what he's saying at all.

He's saying your ultimate goal in life is to spread you DNA.

I don't have a gf, you fucking normie. RRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


>Feels good that we're going to pass on our superior genes.

Until she cheats on you with Tyrone.

It will happen.

>mfw i'm 5'9''
>mfw gf is 5'2''
>mfw if we have kids they'll be manlets

She's 5', I'm 6'3"

>brown hair
>superior genes

>father is 5'9''
>mother is 5'0''
>I'm 6'2''

There is hope for you, user.

So your dad got cucked?

But I am actually a pedo

I don't think so, I'm basically my dad without beard.

Or did you just convince yourself of that? Don't fall for your mom's jew tricks.

>be 6'2
>gf is 5'3 and 155 lbs

H-high test r-right guys? Most of her fat goes to her legs and her face still looks skinny.

Don't try to meme so hard, user. :^)

My oneitis is 5'5 how do I get over this beta shit

i hope so. my grandfather and father are both 6'2''+ and it'd be nice if my son would follow in their footsteps

i'm not
by the way.

>gf is 5'3 and 155 lbs

I'm 5'9 and I'm dating a 4'11, she's so fucking small and cute.
I live in the third world btw

I'm 5'10 she's 4'10

That's fat bro
I've dated three girls way taller and none were that heavy
5'10 130
6'0 145
5'9 135
Short fat girls are trash tier m8

That's Morgan Freeman you fool

Yeah shes skinny... of course

tall girl detected

>165-175lbs ideal weight
LMAO that's fat at any reasonable height

You just have a gf, don't think about kids for the moment.
And don't worry. Height greatness sometimes skips generations.

>great-grandfather was 6'7''

What if she is cute. CUTE!

Only if the girl is 6'2+.

My puppy is cute, yet I don't date my puppy.
Next you'll tell me that... "little girls"... are cute, amirite?

I can be a tall girl... for you
(if you're a big guy)

no homo

Tell us more while the FBI is backtracking you

I am a manlet with broad shoulders and on my way to get fit, i used to like short girls, i just realized that tall skiny girls are the girls for me

[spoiler]i'm 23 and we've been together for 4 years, it will come to kids eventually if she doesn't cheat or some shit[/spoiler]
and yeah, it certainly skipped me

My gf is 6'4" and it owns.

lmao thats Nelson Mandela, fucking ell m8 educate ur self

>My gf is a giraffe
Thanks for sharing, user

Id fucking love to date a girl between 5'2''-5'4'', preferably with small tits and cute face but fucking hell these are hard to find
Found one last year but it didnt work out and ive been searching ever since
Keeping the faith alive fit, someday ill find one to date

have fun dating a skyscraper

Dont you recognize Samuel Jackson when you see him? goddamn nigga

Dicklet detected?

my gf is 4'11.
I'm 5'9.

I look so massive in pics i'm with her.

>tumblr logic
haes please go


Tall fit girls for manlets. It works really well. Especially if youre a manlet with broad shoulders.

I'm pretty sure that is Will Smith

And that's what it is insecure dudes go for short women to appear larger.

Ill stick with my 5'6" and up women who will give my children superior genetics and have legs.

Don't ever give up a woman with legs. A nice pair of legs are really hard to find

gurl is 5'8" i think. I am 5'11"

I'm talking to this girl who's the same height as me (5"10). I'm scared one night we'll go out and wear heels, making me look like a super manlet

Im 174cm and my bf is 173cm its only a tiny bit awkward when i wear heels. which i do, quite often. the only thing that bothers him about it is that my arm is higher up than his. i actually dont care at all.

nah it will make you look like a boss. tall grills in heels look hot af

lool that's Chris Rock fool

Get woke, stay woke biotch

Implying I want to spend the rest of my life taking care of fucking babies and kids. Fuck no. Also lol at you breeder faggots that have to try SO HARD to convince everyone else to follow your depressing and objectively awful lifestyle. What's so scary about us living free and happy lives? Does it make you realize how shitty and constrained you will be? Is that why there is so much aggression? If you were truly content with your choice it wouldn't concern you what we think. But you're sitting here trying to argue and we all know why.

>i actually dont care at all.
then why wear heels?

i'm not insecure, plus I ain't trying to make kids for the next 10 years.

An she has the best pair of legs i've ever seen,

i dont care if im taller than him in heels

5'7. Perfect height. Roastlets are gross and I'm only 5'9 so I'd never date anyone taller than me. I hooked up with a 6'2" girl though and it was great

Nah I have a big dick, just don't like obese women
165-175 is literally obese for average height girls

why do women love wearing heels? what's the attraction of it to you, personally?
genuinely curious

>im not insecure
>she has the best pair of legs ive ever seen
Impossible when she's 4'11 you just havent been out enough.

>She's 5'3''
>I'm 6'3''

Pretty kewl desu senpai

We're each other's first so I'm a little curious what it'd be like to make love to a taller women but other than that I'm pretty satisfied.

Femlets are cute and I like cute.

>she's also 109 lbs
>tfw I can pick her up and manhandle her to my heart's delight

Makes the legs and butt look better, user. Not a woman and even i know this.

dude i'm in brazil and have dated models, i'm sure only genghis khan had better experience with legs than ya boi.