How's that summer cut going Veeky Forums?
How's that summer cut going Veeky Forums?
Where in the northeast do you live?
>be me
>start of sophomore year at uni
>weigh in at 150 lbs
>"okay, at the end of this year I'll be 160!"
>eat a shit ton of food
>end of year
>weigh in at 147
ya I would say pretty fucking great.
Dorchester breh
>nonfat yogurt
>actually overloading sugars to cut
top fucking kek m8
calories are calories mate, and it hits them macros. I'm not diabetic.
berries are fine to eat on a cut, you retard
>eat a shit ton of food
Yeah, you didn't do this.
half a big bag of spinach
a little bit of broccoli/green beans
can of chicken, rinsed 3x
can of tuna, rinsed 3x
2 eggs
half a block of tofu
cup of lentils
a lot of hot sauce to fight the boredom
every day
>Can of chicken
not gonna make it
not that kind of canned chicken, it's diced. but you have a point.
i've tried cooking chicken in the past. every time it came out like the canned chicken i eat today. please tell me how to make good chicken fast and easy
Gook or nig nog? I used to live right off dot ave back when it was still black
>buy thin sliced chicken breasts or regular chicken breasts and cut in half
>Put like a tbsp of olive oil in pan
>Slap whatever seasoning you want on the chicken breasts
>slap chicken breast in pan for 5 minutes on 1 side
>5 mins for other side
Bro. Cmon. It's fucking chicken. The only way you fuck up is by undercooking and getting the shits.
lol You're kidding right...?
Are people this inept at cooking?
It's fucking easy as hell.
To make your chicken not taste like shit:
Wash chicken with cold water
Rub on olive oil,
Rub on Kosher or Sea salt,
Bit of pepper,
Wrap it and put it in the fridge. (NOT THE FUCKING FREEZER)
Wait an hour
Prepare a bit of butter, (Or not if you're really trying to cut)
Heat pan up
Put the chicken, (That has olive oil on it)
I swear to christ if you wash it you're fucking retarded
Put the chicken on the pan and hear it sizzle
Flip it when you feel like one side is ready, the meat should be white an nice
If you're cooking chicken breasts it would be a safe idea to cut it open to see if it's cooking on the inside, chicken breasts are thick and typically take longer to cook on the stove
Serve with your favorite side, rice, pasta, whatever the fuck.
Most simple way I can name off the top of my head.
Jesus, learn to cook faggots. (Just don't cook in the weird hipster way, go learn from someone like Ramsey or
brining my nigga, brining. makes baked chicken the tits.
Fuck you, summer bulk for the win
No suck thing as a summer bulk.
There is only 1 cutting season, and it's for summer. If you didn't cut for these seasons then you'll be bulking until December.
ate 750 kcals of oatmeal
then went out to dinner
had some sea bass with some stuff(veggies/dressing etc) and a small portion of corn bread
also had a miller lite
im under 2000kcal right?
Not him, but whenever I try to make chicken breasts in a pan, they always come out a little tough and dry. I don't *think* I'm overcooking them because i use a meat thermometer. They come out fine if I cut them up into cubes before cooking but i can't cook the whole best well. Any suggestions?
Copying from QTDDTOT.
I fucked up brehs, I cut too fast. I am currently eating 1500 cars a day but still have 16lbs to lose, what are my options at this point.
I don't think I can continue 1500 cals for 16 more weeks what do?
walk more.
starve yourself for most of tomorrow and then eat a preplanned meal in the evening less than 1500 calories. that's your cheat day.
get low calorie drink sweeteners/cocoa powders
eat more vegetables to feel fuller
Do you cut the chicken breast in half before cooking?? If not you're doing it wrong. And definitely overcooking the outside.
Had my first shit in three days, things are looking up
choose something with higher GI value or you'll never make it
I just started a low-protein diet (to deal with a specific health problem), but I'm also going low-calorie to drop some weight.
I have one to three homemade oatmeal-raisin cookies per day, one apple or similar piece of fruit, some celery or snap peas, and a medium-size burrito with rice, beans, cheese, and salsa, and however much coffee, tea, and water I want, with lemon or lime juice if I feel like it. Plus vitamin supplements and EFAs.
I work at home, and take about half my waking hours for light exercise of one kind or another (I'm a programmer, I can use lots of time to think, and I can exercise while I watch any shows).
I figure on losing about five pounds per week of fat: one or two for the diet and three or four for the physical activity. My waist is down pretty far after the first week, and I already look more defined.
I'm not finding it hard to tolerate so far. Feel good and energetic. Only hungry about a quarter of the time. When it gets bad I have the cookie or fruit, or if that's past the limits, I have the celery or lemon water.
I don't believe in going for weight loss unless you can get at least four hours a day of exercise in, and get your caloric deficit primarily through physical activity. It's too slow otherwise. You want to get the job done quickly, see results fast, and get on with life. I can't imagine a weight loss slog over months. Six weeks is the absolute maximum I can see myself eating below maintenance.
2.5 cups dry oatmeal (shitload of oatmeal cooked) and flax seed m8
i take great shits on the cut with the slow metabolism
go to 2000kcal m8
never cut below 2000kcal
Only on day 12, but its a hard strict cut with no cheating. I am using special tactics at work though to make up for the late start. I have had birthday cakes ordered for the break room and encourage others to eat fattening or unhealthy meals. I like to imagine an aura of fat floating out of my cubicle into everyone else's cubicles.
>I am currently eating 1500 cars a day
R...right babe?
Broil your chicken in the oven. Bake the chicken on a screen with water under it on a bass pan. Steams it as it cooks. Best even cook since you're baking it. Juiciest fuckin chicken
Cut's going well. I knocked gym frequency on the head so that I only lift M/W/F right now. I swim a couple of km's on T/T/S/S to burn cals.
Diet wise I 16:8 IF.
250g chicken thigh
250g frozen veggies
>3pm (lift days only)
250g chicken thigh
250g frozen veggies
I normally smash a 1200-1500 calorie dinner at night. Losing .5kg a week and only lost about 5kg on all lifts over about 2 months. Arms, chest and legs have all maintained size (measured) whilst waist and BF% is steadily decreasing.