Sup Veeky Forums, what are the absolute best things I can do for myself/my health to ensure my longevity?
I adore life and I want to live as long as possible. I've heard that genetics play the biggest role in the length of our lifespans, but regardless I want to do everything I can possibly do to help it, and hope that medical science improves enough by the time I'm 80 to where the average lifespan will be 130+.
Yes, but being on Veeky Forums I'm assuming you already lift and neglect cardio.
Henry Hernandez
No more than 5-10% of calories from animal sources, a lot of which should be fish. Several servings of legumes, green vegetables, nuts and seeds every day. That in itself would get rid of the major causes of death today.
Joshua Ross
do the opposite of what he says op
Robert Brooks
>vegan >10% of calories from animal sources No 100 calories of fish or 200 calories of meet a day are actually enough to meet your vitamin B12 needs.
no matter how much i dislike her she is so hot to me
Brody Sanchez
sex is healthy
nosex is bad for you
Isaiah Thompson
Raspberry ketones, the reason why the average age span will be 130 when you're 80 is because people will have been taking them for years by then. They put cells in a time stasis, slowing down the degradation and duplication of cells, meaning they age at 30-50% of normal cells. People who take them from birth can expect to live up until around 200+-20yrs.
Parker Torres
Lucas Russell
do they have to be activated ketones?
Easton Hill
> i still need the answer for this pls
Then you're fucking retarded. Nofap is bullshit.
Cooper Foster
yeah but why
Thomas Mitchell
Samuel Russell
>The people inhabiting Blue Zones share common lifestyle characteristics that contribute to their longevity
>Social engagement – people of all ages are socially active and integrated into their communities
We're not gonna make it Veeky Forums
Alexander Bell
My doc says I should eat mostly fish and leafy green diet and do 45 min cardio a day.
Evan Perry
Get a wife. Not even kidding. Has to be a stable one that doesn't stress you out by fighting/cheating/leaving you though.
Angel Wright
1. Go mostly vegetarian, get meat sources from chicken/fish or occasionally lean meat. 2. Take a good multivitamin everyday. 3. Have a balanced diet of organic food like salads, baked meat, veggies, fruits, nuts, beans. 4. Once at a healthy weight, eat at mantainence calories. 5. Lots of cardio. This will help heart health. Sprints, long distance running, biking, swimming, etc. 6. Have a healthy sex life. 7. Don't smoke, or drink alcohol at all. And if you do drink alcohol, red wine would be your best bet. 8. Lift. It will help your muscular health when you get into old age (age 65+). 9. Believe in Jesus Christ, our lord and savior.
Joseph Martin
Fellow catholic bro Don't get too hellbent on that whole god thing there
Xavier Ramirez
1. Don't go vegetarian. Just eat good quality organic meat than isn't full or hormones and antibiotics. If you can't afford that for your regular meat intake, it's better to eat less meat. Don't replace meat with tofu, other soy, or carbs. Don't eat lean meat. Eat fatty meat. 2. Once every few days is enough. 5. Cardio as most people do is is actually unhealthy and will decrease life expectancy if weight loss is not a consideration. Do very light aerobic exercise and lifting. 7. The health benefits or red wine are a meme. Wine is better than beer, but the same amount of alcohol with spirits is slightly less unhealthy.
Chase Sullivan
Subscribing to Christianity means submitting your entire life and existence completely to the will of christ. This means that every single thing that you think, say, and do should be motivated by, in the thought of, and in the service of christ. There is no room, especially in catholicism for pseudo-christians who do everything but actually live the word of God.
He needs you user. The world is getting more and more corrupt every day, and sitting on the sidelines with your dick in your hand isn't going to stop the devil in his quest to see the ultimate destruction of humanity.
Isaiah Perez
Lol source that cardio decrease healthspan?
Charles Perez
Fine, don't believe me. Have fun with that heart attack.
Jaxson White
No, cardio and lifting.
Lifting pushes back your anabolic age from 25-28 to 40-45.
After that, you start breaking down more than you build. If you're a 220lbs beast at 45, you'll have a lot more life left in you, than a 28 twink.
Look up Stan Efferding, he's the man when it comes to living a healthy life as a huge old guy.
Camden Collins
Practice love, forgiveness and modesty to make world better bit by bit, just like jesus did.
Be the change you wanna see in the world (i guess ghandi said that)
That war rhetoric you got going there is not what jesus wanted I think, even the popes hacen't used this apocalyptic demagogary since the rennaissance.
Basically chill and let chill, try to understand, don't judge and help if you can. Ora et labora friendo
Joshua Brown
You are both retarded faggots. I bet you wear clothes with multiple fabrics and still believe in the bible
Hunter Walker
Caleb Cook
Henry Lee
Grayson Gomez
Christian Wood
>gets asked why he said a certain statement >offers no proof or explanation, just says "LOL DONT BELIEVE ME THEN"
sounds about right.
Brody Thomas
>sleep not #1 prio
you'll never make it.
Ian Ward
Post moar emma pls
Christopher Martin
No one phenolic compound is the key to good health. Even a comprehensive slurry cooked up by pharma can't beat the real thing.
Just eat right, bros.
Jace Reed
This. My dad is 60, 5'11 230lbs seriously dont understand how he is still so ripped.