Any good vegan meal prep ideas?

Any good vegan meal prep ideas?

I've been sticking to rice & vegetables steamed in the rice cooker with some random spices, over the summer when I didn't lift. But now that I'm gymming again, the increased rice intake isn't doing it for me. Also I'm pretty tired of using solely olive & coconut oil for my fats.

>inb4 veganfag
I cheat a lot sometimes.




Oils are a terrible source of fat and should be eliminated as much as possible. Eat nuts, seeds and nut butters for fats

a big bowl of dicks

Seriously? Don't oils just tend to be more monounsaturated fatty acids. And more solid ones like nuts/seeds lean more on the polyunsaturated? I mean I eat both but I don't see why the product of basically what you get when you crush up olives could be demonized.

Not olive and coconut

Some people still believe margarine is from the same source as plastic. We just have to let them go.

I would like to know how other people get their fats though. Coconut oil is about the only saturated fat that works for v3gans and even then it's a MCT, not even the same shit that's in animals.


I usually eat 2 bowls of oatmeal in the morning+banana

for snacks I eat some almond butter and pea protein shake

lunch is Quinoa/sweet potato + mixed veggies

dinner is jasmine rice+mixed veggies and spinach

before bed snack more almond butter

ON 'MY' Veeky Forums????

As a vegan I'm pleasantly surprised and interested.

Try this recipe and substitute the yoghurt btw, works out well.

I keep seeing questions like this on places like Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums.
I actually have a whole cookbook worth of recipes and notes I've accumulated over several years of being vegan, focusing on whole foods, and trying to limit the money and time spent on food.

I'm thinking about just throwing it up on some website. I'm just not sure if it'll be worth it, since
1) there's a billion food blogs out there, nobody will ever see mine since I won't care to update regularly or make it pretty
2) my tastes have definitely changed over the years, and i probably enjoy a lot of things that 3 out of the 5 people that see my site will hate, since there's no oil or sugar in everything
3) it probably requires an initial investment, even though the food is cheap, because I use a high-powered blender in like half my recipes.
4) Most of my meals are pretty formulaic, with the big variety coming from a bunch of different sauces

Idk, would the vegans here bother with a site like that? Or would it be bland and not worth the time?

Of course seriously. Oil is refined fat devoid of any and all nutritional value. It's absolutely hilarious that people pour that shit over everything but get their buttocks all clenched up at the thought of using a bit of refined sugar to taste. It's empty junk calories in place of whole foods and most oils have a detrimental effect on health, especially arterial health and vasodilation. Nuts and seeds are solid because they contain fiber and protein, it has nothing to do with the fatty acid composition. Hazelnuts, almonds and macademia nuts are high-MUFA; walnuts are high-PUFA, and all of them are good for you. Nuts and seeds as food groups have a unique micronutrient and phytonutrient profile that complements and thus shouldn't be omitted in a vegan diet. Walnuts and several other nuts have particular health benefits that are well-studied and well-established. The olive oil stuff is mostly bullshit based on horrible flawed science (like the Predimed trial, biggest joke I've ever seen)

Also coconut fat is unhealthy when consumed in any significant amount. Just because there's a small portion of MCTs doesn't mean that it isn't full of all the other harmful saturated fatty acids. Coconut fat is less harmful than butter but more harmful than pretty much any other plant fat you can consume.

OP here, that sounds literally exactly like what I try to do. There are plenty of vegan blogs, meal prep blogs, frugal blogs, etc but they'll all sacrifice money for "holistic" quality without batting an eye, or do it cheap & easy but there's no variety & it tastes like shit. I'd be interested to see what you have at least brah

I've also experimented with keto though and I'm currently looking a lot into how to lean towards that side of things without animal products. Keto was when I felt the best in my life probably, and while a vegan diet "cleans the shit out" and makes me feel a different kind of good, the carb overload is still there sometimes.

Monday-Wednesday: removing your tattoos with laser surgery

Thursday-Saturday: trying to stop being a massive libcuck, failing

Sunday: suicide, hopefully

I want to criticize but I'll humor you. Where do you get your fats from then? Do you shun oils completely or do you work a small amount in while keeping the bulk of your fat intake from nuts & seeds? I mean I don't disagree but I don't see how eating primarily nuts for fat could be either natural or healthy in the long run.

just make recipe pictures and post them in here so i can add new recipes to my notebook breh

There's a channel on YouTube called The Diet Kitchen. Dude just went vegan (much to my chagrin) so all his recipes here on out will be vegan. He has a few vegan recipes up already and his non vegan recipes that I've tried are pretty solid. I'd recommend lurking and seeing what he puts out.

anybody feel sleeper on a vegan diet?
When I workout its fine but on offdays I just tend to feel drowsy all freaking day
maybe I need to cut the rice out idk

Lentils, beans, oatmeal, avocado

I personally don't consume oil except when there's some amount present in a food product. I get virtually all of my fat intake from nuts, seeds and nut butters, and a very small amount from animal sources. They're a good snack but also much tastier than oil. Add them to dishes or just eaten by themselves. I also go for poppy seeds which are fantastic in so many sweet dishes (like combined with dried fruits and some starches).

Now obviously that isn't desirable for many people since oil is used in some cooking applications like frying and baking. But I would simply recommend to reduce oil as much as possible (which is of course an arbitrary standard), or at least accept that oils are a really poor choice for a fat source.

I have no idea how you figure that consuming primarily nuts and seeds for fat isn't natural or healthy. There is no evidence whatsoever linking nuts and seeds to adverse health outcomes, but there is plenty for oils, especially refined oil, and even more for oils that are heated. Humans have been consuming nuts and seeds as fat sources for hundreds of thousands of years, in part because they keep well and are highly portable.

>inb4 veganfag
>I cheat a lot sometimes.
whats the point? why not just be a 'minimal meat eater'

alot of new vegans do that shit.
they just want the social benefits from calling themselves vegan
the fake vegans are the ones who don't know shit about the side effects of being vegan.

Bump for more info graphics
