What does fit think about snus? I'm thinking of switching from vaping...

ge fan i det om du inte är fiskare eller jobbar på varvet.

juu 2 pussia huulessa tällä hetkellä

>has never had a fantastic snus buzz
Stop posting.

It may look healthier but actually it has just different effects on your body, starting with it eating away your gums for instance, and if you do it frequently enough you will be evetually sliding this shit all the away up to your eye socket

No it's fucking gross

tfw cant stop

boohoo faggot. snus you don't spit you moron so you wouldn't even notice it in someone's mouth. retard

where did this dank fucking meme that oral tobacco is safe come from?

you're just trading the likelihood of lung cancer for increasing the likelihood of oral cancers.

let alone gum disease.

I live in Sweden and have been on that shit for years, quit 2 weeks ago because of yellow teeth, addiction and bloodwessels shrinks in ur muscels(bad circulation) . Have noticed better pumps at the gym since.

Spotted the non-swede. Snus is normie stuff.