What does fit think about snus? I'm thinking of switching from vaping...

Say hi to krimz for me

It makes ut teeth yellow and ur gum rots, have fun OP

Been using about a can every other month for about 5 years. Going to quit this new years eve while i'm still not addicted. It's a waste of money really, even though it feels good now and then.

It's bad for your gums and teeth, and it will start to show after a while. Your breath will smell horrible and you'll taste it in your mouth and it's fucking foul. I only used portioned snus (not the the raw stuff) for a while but it was enough for me to understand that it will make your mouth disgusting over the long term

Tobacco is bad

I'm not 100% but surely there are big mouth cancer risks to have one of those pouches under your teeth for all that time. Also its still an addiction to a useless substance it shows you are weak and susceptible to failure. You will never make it

Yellows your teeth real fast

Not worth it

bjorn bjorn bjorn bjorn bjorn bjorn

this desu senpai baka

nicotine isn't useless, it's pretty good if you have low blood pressuer actually as it makes it more normal