What are some Veeky Forums approved underwear?

The only real answer.

post yfw you see someone wearing these in the locker room

Do straight guys in the US wear jockstraps? Not trying to troll, genuinely curious.
I know that they were popular as athletic underwear in the past, but I thought they were mainly a gay fetish thing nowadays and people switched to compression shorts or something.

You, and everyone who replied, don't go down the leg? Shiggy.


Ordered some of these

Gonna try the pouch life

Curious to try these myself.

No, no we don't.

We barely wear them in athletics because of the gay fetish thing as well.

Try MyPakage or 2Undr. No comparison. Saxx has fun fabrics but they don't wash well and look like crap after a couple months. Also the least comfortable of the three.

trunks > boxer briefs

I'll never go back.