Fucking kill me Veeky Forums

as of today Veeky Forums, Ive lost 100lbs, but for the last month or so. Ive felt more and more like shit, with each passing day.

As I stand I currently weigh 209lbs, but I feel like I look like I weigh more. Is there any hope for my mangled body Veeky Forums? Do you think Ill ever look normal shirtless, without surgery?

Skin will tighten over time but you'll probably need to get surgery to get rid of it 100%. Keep working famalam, 100 pounds lost is fucking impressive and you will one day look fucking good with your shirt off if you keep at it.

Maybe you should've lifted

I do
Pretty fucking hard.

>dark nipples
Sorry you weren't born white bro.

100lbs is a nice achievement op
dont give up you CAN make it

>100lbs is a nice achievement op
Nah. If you get so fucking fat you have to lose 100lbs you're a fucking failure at life and should honestly commit suicide to better the world.

Suck a dick faggot. This dude looks young. For the first 16 years of your life you don't have much control over what you eat and your eating habits are going to be based on your parents' eating habits. Making the effort to reverse years of shitty habits and conditioning is impressive.

Fuck you man honestly

If you weren't born with good parents, weren't born white, weren't born over 6 feet tall, weren't born with good facial aesthetics, well you lost the life lottery and should neck yourself.

Alright, back to your containment board now

thanks /pol/

just keep going

Trump won faggot, you can't hide anymore.

Good progress bro, keep at it.

As for feeling like shit and not having any muscle - start eating protein. You can lift heavy crap 5 days a week for an hour each, and you will get strengths gain, but no actual muscular tissue gains if you do not eat 100+g of protein a day.

I know, I voted for him. Luckily so did a bunch of retards like you. Now he's going to cut my taxes and help my business and you're still going to lose your McJob :^)

You've been dieting for too long.
Go for a refeed and start exercising/becoming more active.

I lost a 100 lbs and now im a fucking deadlift beast and I bet you're a dyel faggot boy. Don't listen to these dumb edgelords OP, You are always meant to be a big man, I'm sure if you keep lifting and start hitting those protein shakes and lifting really hard you'll be bigger and stronger than this dyel fuckboi

respect for your achievement!
start lifting at least 3 times a week.
switch between hot and ice cold water while showering. also use a body peeling once a week.
this will increase your bloodflow underneath the skin and will help tighten it.
helped me alot.
keep pushing bro!


im so glad you've ruined your body AAHAHHAHAHAHA

look at those thick wrists and wide shoulders, all gone to waste


Youll be able to fill that in with muscle my man. Dont listen to these guys. If you get jacked the only thing is you might have to deal with some excess around your belly. Keep lifting family, youve made it this far.

You have no muscle definition, start lifting more and doing less cardio.

You will still have loose skin for losing that much weight but it'll look a little better

This. I went from 250 to 159 at my leanest, and muscle mass definitely helps. Also, eat food rich in glycogen, and do abdominal twists. From what I understand it helps with skin elasticity by releasing glycogen, which helps reintroduce moisture and elasticity to the skin. It also gives the muscle a fuller look, so it lifts up some sagging. Just make sure that your skin stays moist, by applying moisturizer and have a high carb meal every now and again.

>t. 54% white
post face faggot