>D-dont do SS! It's a m-meme!
Thats why im a hair away from proficient and your OHP is stalling on 115.
>H-here do this PPL/custom high rep high volume program!
No thanks. I'll stick to SS then do TM or 5/3/1. You know, those programs that actually work
>E-enjoy your no aesthetics and t-rex mode!
I can jump on a BB program and out rep you from day 1. I can also kill you due to my superior strength. I also bench 235x5, 3 months into a beginner program.
3 months SS
Other urls found in this thread:
>I can also kill you due to my superior strength
>Not Superior Greyskull LP
>choosing a weird program just to be different
Let me know when there's actual published literature on "grey skull". In the mean time Ill stick to what I've read in highly acclaimed books on strength training.
>Chin up 1RM
Lmaoing at you friend
>muh superior strength program
You're pretty much the reason people treat SS like a meme. I don't even care if this is bait. Splits are inferior. SS isn't idiot proof.
What's so funny.... manlet? I weigh a healthy 191lb @ 6ft. You realize that adds to the difficulty of the pull up correct?
most people who do SS don't do it correctly, they don't get there form right, they don't push themselves hard enough, and they don't FUCKING EAT ENOUGH
Most of them want to feel sore like they did something so they fuck around with isolations and so much volume they will never recover from
>dude it's just a permabulk im totally not a fatass lardbucket
>Dude I cant fathom putting on 20-30lb then cutting because other people will call me out for being fat and I just cant handle that. Ill just go to the gym eating at maintenance for a year and come out with a 1pl8 bench. Heh, at least nobody can judge me then!
Most people dont know wtf theyre doing in general. Look at the jelly fucks itt who cant even ohp 1pl8 but instead of learning how to do that they shitpost
I've been reading and watching videos, but I'm still too retarded to squat properly. I hurt my back for the ((2nd)) time this past Saturday (only the first on SS, tho). I have a video if anyone wants to see me hurt myself for critique
I'd like to see you hurt yourself but I'm not sure I'll give you feedback
working on it
SS and TM done properly with the accessory lifts the actual fucking books tell you to do are perfectly fine and give good aesthetics with the right diet as well as some cardio or conditioning work.
SS just done as advised by Veeky Forums where you train only the basic lifts for no more than an hour, 3 times a week, while eating like a pig, will leave you looking like a fat autistic fuck.
>191 lbs
>3 months SS
>Back squat 332lbs
LMAOOOOOOO how does it feel having inferior genetics?
Can confirm. SS + accessories is doing wonders for me
post pic of physique with timestamp or gtfo
Me after 2 years of SS+TGOMAD (Ten Gallons Of Milk A Day).
If this was all true, you would have no idea about how good other programs are, and you have a solid athletic base, or you worked out before and just started SS on your way back or switched to it.
If you're lying however... well, your lifts are literally nothing to brag about. And bragging about your bench on SS is retarded. It'd be like bragging about your squat on ppl. You didn't get it from the programming because it's inferior. You got it with a good background.
Good for you man, keep up the good work buddy :D
Rip me apart. I need to get this shit right.
Is that supposed to be a squat or are you trying to get a hanging turd out of your butt?
Don't look so far fucking down and control your descent. Your back and neck are completely out of allignment
first rep wasn't terrible, second was. try to find a starting strength coach in your area and ditch the pre-set autism hand ticks
jesus fucking christ dude
get your head up so that you arent all hunched over.
stretch lots
go lower
move the weight straight up and down
get elbows under bar
put something under heels
It's no wonder you're hurting yourself. You have to control your descent, it looks like you relax your entire body. Look at other squatters and make note of their pacing compared to yours.
I'm trying to figure out what you are looking at on that floor?
This is the correct form of the Retard Back Squat
The second rep is when I fucked my lower back up. That's why I strained and took longer, and then racked it after only 2 reps. This was my second set, btw.
Start over with the fucking bar and stretch everyday you are on a one way ticket to become major of snap city
>Your back and neck are completely out of allignment
Like, I need to have my neck and back in alignment the whole time? I need to look down, though, right? I guess that's what was saying
I know :'(
I need to look down, though. When watching SS coaching videos, Mark bitches at the people for not looking down enough. I guess I'm just doing it too much? And elbows under the bar? They need to be up, chest up, right? The straight up and down thing I try to visualize, but I feel like I lose track of it when trying to remember all of these other form things and end up fucking up everything... Put something under my heels..?
I got input on the forums to reach my butt out more, and clench my abs and lower back. Pacing is a big issue, too. Some people go slow, some go fast. I know I'm supposed to "spring" up from the recoil at the bottom.
I guess the lower bar on the floor. I really am not sure.
Acceptance is the first step
The correct pacing is going as quickly as you can while maintaining control of the weight. If you cannot control the weight, you are moving too quickly. The stretch reflex from bouncing quickly out of the hole is unimportant in the accumulation of strength. First and foremost you should be doing your damnedest to prevent injury; worry about efficiency after you can squat safely.
To add to another's comment SS advises looking 4-5 feet ahead of you and your neck to be in correct anatomical position.
Oh, shit. The racks at my gym are against a wall. I recall reading I should just focus on a spot on the wall a foot or two from the floor in this case.
And you mean "move as quickly as possible" only when coming up, right? Watching more stuff, I feel like I was leaning forward too much, and my neck back alignment are bad. Also, I can't get over how stressed my lower spine is. It arcs so much.
Don't look at your feet lol, look slightly down and ahead of you.
Don't round your upper so much, pull your elbows closer to you and maintain a tight back.
Slow and control your descent.
what kind of stretches do you recommend?
Holy jesus dude...
> Acceptance is the first step
Glad you recognise this. Honestly confused as to how you aren't seeing the problems yourself though. First of all you're doing the right thing in terms of videoing yourself and trying to improve. Unfortunately you either haven't watched yourself or have given yourself blindness from that neck position. Youtube some tutorials, compare their form to your videos and change the way you move. Take a heap of weight off, like back to bar or at most 10kg each side and watch your videos back if you aren't aware of what your body is doing as you do it.
Watch from 8:32 for low bar
For eye position, basically where your spine stays straight going from your back to your head. It'll vary person to person so we can't give precise info. Definitely not where it is now though, head tilted much more up so there isn't that obvious bend in your spine at your neck.
Maybe grab a mate or family (who knows something about weights) with you at home, do slow body weight squats and have them push/pull your body into position along the way. Like take 10-20 seconds per bw rep and have them correct constantly so you know how it feels when you're in the right position.
How do you guys get so good just by doing SS? My squat staled at 235 lbs (3x5 of course) and I had to switch to TM
lurking for answer, similar for me. My guess is we don't eat enough and/or are shorter so for us squatting ~200lbs is 2-3xbw whereas for some fatasses that's 1xbw so relatively easier.
>2 to THREE times body weight
Are u an alien nigga
>Let me know when there's actual published literature on "grey skull".
Are you retarded?
>In the mean time Ill stick to what I've read in highly acclaimed books on strength training.
Greyskull is basically SS with accessories with a stronger emphasis on upper body.
Enjoy your trex mode.
Do you mean reset back to a lower weight in the program and build up from there, it just practice there? I usually practice and warm up with just the bar and then do weight
Fuck forgot lbs vs kgs. Wrote lbs, was thinking kg.
lmao post wilks fatso
I unfortunately don't really know anyone who's actually been into fitness. I've had cousins do soccer and stuff, but they live in another state, and idk if they really did a lot of actual weight training
Y-ya t-totally man!
That's why I have a solid OHP/bench/pendlay row/pull up, while you've never put 2 plates together on your bench
Use your judgement, should be easy as fuck while you're fixing form. If that's bar, so be it, if it's a bit more fine. But that 60kg weight looks heavy for you which means you won't be able to focus on form
Anything less than a 400 and you might as well give up and inject sterons.
I don't even know where to start.. I physically cringed watching that.
Go on youtube and look up form videos by Candito.
Ok im giv up
dude this is the worst squat I've seen on here in a while.
your head is so far out of alignment with your spine it's a joke. your elbows are way too far back and there is not enough tightness in your upper back because of it. your feet are too far apart, you're moving your hips down not back, your core loses all it's tightness at the bottom where you need it the most.
I could go on, but honestly there's no point. you need to stop squatting until you find someone who can coach you in person. This shit isn't a joke, you don't want to fuck your back or knees up dog so stop doing it and find someone who can show you how to do it right.
So, once form is corrected with lesser weights, I move back up with the proper form? I didn't know if you were just saying "practice and correct form with less weight" or "that's too heavy, move back down to whatever kg and move up from there"
I'll try and set up something with a PT soon. Thanks for the input. Looking forward to making it and eventually looking back on this and feeling ashamed of myself
My thoughts are yeah, practice and correct form with bw or bar and progress along the program once you're solid form wise. Get your form right before you add weight, as it is now you honestly are increasing your risk of injury hugely.
Alternatively take the other quoted user's advice and seek a strength coach/pt that isn't a complete deadshit (honestly avoid personal trainers at a commercial gym like the plague, 90% of them are worse than the cunts on this board) for first hand advice. Not hating mate just honest advice. You're nice and tall, you're still young, you can make it bro, just take the right steps.
good man, but like pointed out, most PTs at commercial gyms are shit and are just looking to keep you paying their salary. Not saying you can't find a good one, but you need to be wary of them.
you're gonna make it breh
Is Madcows Veeky Forums approved?
Control your descent.
Hinge at the hips while you break at the knees.
>332 squat 1rm in 3 months
yeah, you're lying bro
Eat more. Get enough sleep.
Worked better for me than TM tbf
Make sure you don't start with too heavy weights or you'll stall really soon. Read the program.
chest up bro during the entire squat