The Choice is Yours

Blue pill. I spend too much time in snap city.

The banana pill

Red obviously. I take it that no matter what I do ill gain permanent gains. I could be the strongest man in the world eventually

Purple pill. I ain't no /fraud/

Orange pill.
Would just go up to about 6 foot 2/3.

Everything else is somewhat attainable except the yellow pill.

3 hours a day of time-stoppage while training does seems legit

if you dont pick yellow you have your priorities so wrong. You're given one thing in your life and thats time. Unlike almost every other factor, everyone is on equal grounds here. suddenly you get +3 hours a day? youre almost a god

I'd love to be 80 and jacked like a 20 year old
Not to mention heart strength

For losing weight, I don't see why anyone wouldn't pick green or yellow.

Orange is a one time thing and green/yellow would give me more control.

Orange, I would have the thickest hair ever

See that'd be my second choice but it's very vague
Does the time bubble apply during rest? When going to and from the gym?