Old one dead. New one up lads.
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Great pic OP
Whats the best way to hit the entire trap muscle, not just the part that pops out of my neck. Deadlifts seem to be only thing that remotely hits them but I cant do it everyday.
Any suggestions? Shrugs really dont do much imo.
rackpulls above the knee and farmer walks
How feasible is it to lift on little to no sleep given I can't get to sleep and feel hyper alert? Its currently almost 2am and I need to get up early to do things.
All the gyms in my area are either overpriced or planet fitness. Thinking about just doing bodyweight fitness until I can get a home gym setup.
Whats a good bodyweight routine to start with?
bus, subway, street car, or passenger rail?
Gains season
What's the best treatment for a herniated disc that's been flaring up? My lower back feels like a burnt piece of steak.
Thanks. I just found out about rack pulls. Its sort of the pull part of the end of a deadlift? Done in a rack and starts at the bar and you just pull it up?
Does creatine really result in hair loss?
Every time I google it I get different results. 20g a day does, any amount does depending on genetics, it doesn't, etc.
No bullshit, what's the go with creatine and hairloss?
I've hit a bench PR on 30 straight hours awake so YMMV
6'0 210lbs
Body fat estimate?
i started with 5x5 then increased to 5x10 am I doing it right?
Pretty much. I almost never do actual deads, just variations of rack pulls (below knee, above, regular, sumo, snatch) Start off low weight and work your way up. youtube.com
>Working out TDEE of goal weight and eating that forever
>Eating a constantly adjusting deficit until you reach goal weight, then eat at maintenance
which is better long term?
I already saw that vid and extend by traps back when doing shrugs. Doesnt seem to do much.
I think ill go with rack pulls. Thanks mate.
pls respond
My biggest complaint with rack pulls is the rattling on the pins and having to use straps. Rather overload the ROM (deficits) or use accommodating resistance (chains/bands). Nice video though, and many paths to strength/size!
There's only one area in my gym to do deadlifts and the only time that I can go to the gym there's always somebody there almost the entire time I'm there.
What can I do instead? Or should I just be a fucker and do deadlifts in the squat rack
Any good rear delt stretches I can do to alleviate a minor pain or any advice? I'm already doing face pulls.
Can I hit on guys at the gym?
Do deadlifts on the floor you pathetic faggot.
Is it normal for an average 23 year old to have really weak ass fucking grips? When I do a deadhang or when I carry heavy dumbbells my wrists just lose feeling and I have trouble maintaining a grip for longer than 10 seconds.
Work in with them.
Stretching does not decrease injury rate or improve healing rate but if you were to stretch them you would want shoulder flexion and scapular protraction, not face pulls
6'2 190lbs
Should I bulk?
Funny you should mention, records show our ancestors had much stronger average grip strength than us, modern society changes things. Just keep focusing on it and you'll bring it up
You're going to be gross for a while no matter what you do, so decide if you want to be a twink or a blob. I would suggest twink
Should I be doing any other exercises while doing SS? I just started 2 weeks ago and was wondering if I should run or do other exercises besides barbell stuff
Do the accessories Mark suggests: chinups, dips, lying tricep extension, it's in the program.
im gonna go with blobmode.
thanks for the advice.
There aren't any other bars to do so you piece of shit otherwise I fucking would.
Most bodyweight routines suck. Theres no progressive overload, if you cant do a handstand there isnt really a lot of steps you can take to get up to one. But check reddit body workout. They have a routine I believe.
How to build nice shoulders? I wanna be B R O A D
Already do shrugs, tricep pulldowns, seated row, bench, deadlifts, and just started working in some seated OHP (not enough room in home gym
Anything I'm missing or should change?
Thanks m8
Can anyone recommend me some good references for a correct form of sprinting?
dirty mirror%
Don't do it bro, same height, you're gonna regret it when you've made all your gains then you have to lose some because of an arbitrary cut. The best thing to do is lose all the weight, and then forever lean bulk
Mostly a trap exercise
>Tricep pulldown
I mean, maybe a tiny bit of delt action?
>Seated row
There's a difference between rowing for your lats and rowing for your rear/lateral delts
>Finally direct shoulder exercise with seated OHP
You need to understand the function of the deltoid? Get yourself over to exrx.net
Second this. Most of these exercises are shoulders primarily. Lateral raises, front raises, and rear delt flies.
>are shoulders primarily
Mean to say arent.
is "incomplete protein" a real thing? i ate a lot of chili today and there was only a little beef in it compared to the beans. do i need to eat something else too or was the little beef enough?
I dont know what you mean by incomplete but you want .75-1.2g per lb of muscle. I shoot for like 100g but i often dont get it. Greek yogurt is great, 1 cup is often 19g to 23g for like 130 calories so maybe grab some of that.
Don't sweat it brah you're good for today
Specific amino acid profiles are more anabolic than others. Leucine is the amino most important for muscle.
ive read that protein that is from plants is incomplete and doesnt have all of the necessary amino acids. you are supposed to combine the plant based food with something else so that it becomes complete. ive seen this on fit and other places multiple times but googling about it has some articles about it being a myth
Im not sure but it doesnt hurt to have a balanced diet anyway. Dont obsess over hitting protein, just eat healthy every day.
I have a problem with eating
i don't know what a healthy food is and what is not healthy but i always stay away from junk food and fast food resturants , i also feel full so fast and don't feel hungry all day and usually what i eat is just one can of tuna and mayo sandwiches and i don't even reach the 1500 calories goal(trying to cut) and i don't feel hungry at all (i jog and do bodyweight exercises everyday and soon will sign up for the gym)
if there's an easy healthy meals to make like the tuna mayo sandwich (assume that i'm on a budget)
i'm 169cm = 5.5 feet , 79kg = 174lb I used to be 116kg = 255lb ,and now my body type is "skinnyfat"
Is it feasible to cut and do cardio for a while and add a lifting program later or is this just ineffective? What is the minimal weight for starting weights to make a difference?
You can make what my mom called "glub". Brown rice, ground beef, and onions mixed in one thing. Put olive oil in a pot and put in onions, brown them slightly then add the ground beef and cook it then make brown rice on side.
Many stores do discount meat on the weekends due to lower demand and expiring dates on meat. You can grab a bunch on discount and freeze and take out as you need.
Do weight lifting at any weight. You will find progress slowing if you are cutting but you can still go a long way on a cut if just starting. You can do cardio, cut and lifting all in the same week, just accept the big lifts may slow after 1 or 2 plates.
Nice tip about the weekend shopping man thanks.
Thanks. I don't wanna get huge gains just get some discipline and lose weight without becoming a flabby skelly.
I would add that I have some times seen them do it during the week. I would check your local places, and its more likely to be a smaller local store rather than the big walmarts.
Best breakfast for a cut? Currently relying on oatmeal + blueberries but am open to suggestions.
Eggs+cottage cheese+spinach+hot sauce
oats not oatmeal, relax felas am not gay
honestly i dont know what the difference is
Steak and eggs.
oatmeal is ground and often brown sugar added
what's a good starting weight to lift, just the highest you can do consistently or should you ease into it?
Is the SS app worth it?
thanks guys, checkin it out
HiiT intervals vs gradual increases in long runs, which increases run speed and burns calories better?
Sorry if this gets asked a lot, I'm a newfriend.
I'm 6'3 and recently dropped from about 215 pounds down to 190 just by cutting down on alcohol and neat eating like a cow. I finally don't look "chubby" but am now DYEL skinny-fat mode. Starting SL 5x5 tomorrow and need some diet advice.
>Don't want to cut even more and end up being a hungry lanky skeleton
>Don't want to bulk and go back to looking chubbs
Can I just eat at maintenance and coast off of noob gains until I stall, then start bulking after that?
I get that weird snapping sensation in the inside of my left forearm when doing biceps curls palms facing up. It happens only on the negative when coming down
It doesn't cause me pain, just discomfort. Could this be something related to the nerve ? Has any of you guys ever experienced that ?
I broke that arm when skating as a kid. That could be the reason for this
The traps primarily elevate the scapula (the upper part, what you see above your neck), and retract the scapula. Doing rows with scapular retraction, deadlifts, and shrugs or cleans will build solid traps for you.
Planet Fitness would be better than nothing. Some of them aren't even complete garbage.
Active recovery. Keep walking around, doing light lifting, some cardio. Most disc symptoms get better on their own without intervention. If it doesn't get better, talk to your doctor and see about physical therapy.
There is no study showing creatine causes hairloss. There is one study showing an increase in DHT. This study has never been replicated AFAIK. DHT plays a role in hairloss, but primarily in people with overly sensitive androgen receptors. Creatine use may or may not accelerate hair loss in people prone to male pattern baldness. You can't definitely say "creatine causes hair loss" though.
Doing the same weight? What do you even mean?
Depends on how much of a difference there is between those things. If your goal weight is 5 lbs away, it doesn't really matter. If it's 100 lbs away, then doing a more calculated deficit is better.
Lose feeling? Like actual numbness and tingling like with nerve damage? Or your hands get super tired? Yeah, sedentary people have weak grips.
I would, but slowly. You don't have a lot to cut to.
Do those things other user said, along with curls and calf raises. I'd even add facepulls.
Just take any empty bar and put it anywhere on the ground and deadlift.
Overhead pressing movements, high volume lateral raises, and facepulls should be the bulk of what you do for shoulders.
If refers to some plant proteins having shitty amino acid profiles. However, if you eat a variety, then it doesn't matter anyhow. Like rice and pea proteins compliment each other.
Just throw meat and veggies in a crockpot with some seasoning. Takes no time to prepare, and easily makes several meals at once.
Start lifting now. People who cut without lifting look like shit. People who lift while cutting don't look like skinnyfat garbage when they're done. Beginner lifters can and will gain lean body mass while cutting if they lift weights and keep protein high.
Keep cutting, you can get minor strength and aesthetic gains by lifting even on a deficit when you're a beginner.
Eggs are a good option. An easy one is plain bran flakes with skim or 1% milk. I put cinnamon in mine. High protein, high fiber. I eat this with greek yogurt. Cottage cheese is a good option too.
No, not the absolute highest. Start with something that feels slightly challenging, but you aren't close to failing. Add 5-10 lbs the next session.
>which increases run speed
You mean speed in distance running or speed in sprinting?
That's an option. Post a pic.
Try dumbbell curls.
Been doing that SS shit with Deadlifts, bench, and Squats supplimented with rows, pull ups and lunges. Since on the off days I do cardio, should I drop the lunges and work on more full body stuff to keep proportionate?
Distance. I want to get down to a 14 minute 2 mile.
Is struggling around 2pl8 squat normal for someone that has a low protein-intake that is losing weight currently?
You're squatting 3 days a week. You'll probably be fine without lunges for now. I would add lying tricep extensions, curls, facepulls, and calf raises.
Why do you have a low protein intake?
I was never great at distance (6:20 5 mile pace), but I found I had better results from just doing more distance, and trying to improve my pace with time. My first 5 mile time was like 45 minutes, then I pushed it down to like 32 minutes.
Can someone recommend me a nice shake? I don't use protein powder or anything like that but I'm looking to finally put my blender bottle to use.
Because poor and don't have the free ability to use a kitchen to prepare healthy meals.
2 cups milk
1 cup greek yogurt
1 cup frozen fruit
This is my go to smoothie/shake thing. Has ~40 grams of protein, can be higher or lower calorie depending the milk and Greek yogurt you use.
> and don't have the free ability to use a kitchen to prepare healthy meals.
also if you're poor you may want to prioritize things other than lifting.
What does Veeky Forums do to achieve maximum Tinder proficiency?
Renting situation. The rents good, but no cooking privileges. The lifting is free at the uni gym so all it costs me is time.
Well, without the ability to bulk you won't gain strength or muscle. And without money you can't make food that will let you bulk.
Have you considered investing in a hotpad?
>be 134lbs 5"10 spooky skellington
>do SS + 3kcal bulk for 5 months
>bench 45->130lbs
>squat 65?->185lbs ATG
>ohp 30->90lbs
>deadlift 90->240lbs
All these are 5 rep maxes. Is this progression shit? I'm starting to stall on deads, bench and OHP. Also skip squats on deadlift days because my legs are rubber afterwards.
Still eating in caloric surplus and sleeping at least 6-7hrs a night.
What do?
I'm mostly concerned with cutting like I said. Was 275 two years ago at this time, down to 190lb right now shooting for 175-180. (Am 6'2)
Why would anyone screenshot that as opposed to saving the picture?
Add in incline/decline accessory benches to work on your chest.
Do dips to work on traps. That should solve your bench/ohp issues.
Does anyone have a cap of that thread up today about making a quark based cheese cake? Its dead now I regret not saving it.
faster probably
depending on his phone
What is skinnyfat? is there any good reference pictures to what it is? I suspect that I fall under the definition but might have too much muscle, and too little fat. I don't know if I'm fat enough to be skinnyfat and skinny enough to be skinny
mildly overweight with zero muscle definition. Basically a skeleton with a small amount of fat that you can't detect with a shirt on.
Sounds good. Do you think something like pic related would work for the Greek yogurt part?
395lb Amerifat-fucking-asshole here. Going to give Keto a serious go.
Question is: How long would it take for Keto to kick in? I'm bipolar and depressed, so I'm already quite used to low energy and feeling like shit, so I'm not sure I'd even recognize the Keto flu.
> 3 months ago
> start stronglifts 5x5
> start diddly for first time
> make good gains in squat and bench
> progress slowing down
> back getting excessively sore when squat -> diddly
> been doing weighted hypers / situps
> mfw
How do I avoid snap city? Going from 5rm max squats to 5rm diddly makes me feel like fainting after diddly reps. What do?
What's more important, lifting heavy so that your muscles feel it or having perfect form?
Because when I go, I can do it with correct form when the weight is low, but then I don't really feel the burn or anything.
But if I go higher to where the weights give a decent amount of resistance my form gets sloppier.
I'm doing the beginner's workout outlined in the sticky, but it says to never switch out workouts because consistency is what makes it work.
But I have reason to believe I've actually injured my left bicep. Is it okay to switch workouts to prevent further injury, or should you just do lower-weight workouts in the meantime.
Specifically I mean to do squats instead of shoulder presses.
Form, sacrificing form so that you can ego lift up a few extra pounds is beyond fucking stupid and WILL lead to debilitating injuries
Just because the numbers aren't high as fuck when you lift doesn't mean you aren't getting stronger.
this doesn't mean you just lay around playing call of duty eating fucking pounds of bacon either you fat fuck