What's your excuse?

Give me one good reason why you're not working 6 days off the week (while in a cut/maintenance/recomb)? Is it just laziness?


Hell even my resting day means one hour of walking.

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So show me a good 6 day routine

6 day ppl

I lift 5 days a week. Other two days are bowling league.

Just a 5 day routine that has one day off, what's suppose to be so wrong with that? I feel like my muscles have recovered when I restart the routine. Also I've also just did cardio and a 3 day split before that.


I meant a good routine, you're giving me a shit routine

>resting day means one hour of walking

is this what it means to leave humanity behind?

no point to it. I'm not trying to get super strong or look jacked. I lift 3 days a week and when I lifted more for two years straight I didn't see too much real benefit for it to be worth it. Rather play video games or finish my research

What do you mean by this?

But it means you can eat more without getting fat user.

because i have a highly demanding job with night shifts and lifting 6 days a week would give me zero time to recover and actually make any gains


Technically it's not 6 days every week but it's close enough.

I hate working out, and if I worked out 6 days a week I'd probably quit going to the gym altogether.

I don't have a rest day, i just rest when i feel like i 1. Need it 2. Deserve it
Thats usually once or twice a week
>having fixed "days"
You think your pecs give a shit that it's a tuesday? Fuckin spergs

Because once you get to a certain point it takes a fucking long time to fully recover from heavy sessions especially if you throw in accessory work for some extra volume.
Training 6 days a week at a high intensity isn't really sustainable user.

Do you think that your pecs care about the day of the week at all? No of course not. You do it because it's structured, easy to remember, and efficient.

Lol if you have enough time to do legs and shoulders in the same day you're not really hitting legs or shoulders

Right now I'm doing strong lifts 5x5 and walking 2-3 miles on my days off

rate my routine

I'm new and my arms are already fucked

I'm old and my body can't recover quickly enough because I'm natty.

Don't listen to idiot OP, 3x a week is good.

I am
But right now I'm really worried because I can't straighten my arms

I have a fundamental flaw in my diet somewhere. Means I am tired a lot. Maybe I have a terminal illness.

4 days a week is enough for anyone to stay fit for the rest of their lives, you don't get much benefit for doing it 6 - 7 days a week unless you want to seriously compete in sports or body building.

Keep in mind that those who do 6 - 7 days for the majority of their lives end up fucked in their old age, got to think of future you user.

>Give me one good reason why you're not working 6 days off the week (while in a cut/maintenance/recomb)? Is it just laziness?
I have a bulged disc and im currently in a wheel chair until 2018 august.