Who is /fat/ for? Fat members of Veeky Forums who want >Lose weight >Get a more Veeky Forums body by lifting weights Here we ask others for advice and give moral support to one another if you are too weak to survive solo. We all know losing weight when you are fat is easy if you just reduce calorie intake, literally piece of cake. At the end of the day this is a support general whose goal is to help and motivate the chubby channers who need to lose weight for a number of reason. Please be warned that there are some chronic idiots who post in this general giving horrible advice to troll or to reassure their extremist autism works for themselves, don't bother, always remember calorie intake, if it is lesser than how many calories your body burns you'll be fine. And remember, if you are a loser when fat you'll still be a loser if you are thin, your weight isn't the problem.
>Sticky >Even though it is easier to ask, ignore the read the sticky fags >Calculate your Body Fat Percentage fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy(Gonna need waist/neck measurements) >Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) If you eat 500 less than that daily you lose weight, can go lower but never very low tdeecalculator.net/ >Plan your weight loss week by week losertown.org/eats/cal.php >Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones myfitnesspal.com/
Jack Adams
There are about 11 days left in the semester, I think I'm gonna have to give up on my Veeky Forums lifestyle for a bit to finish strong. I'll try to keep my diet lower in calories, but I need food to focus on school work guys. I've been eating 1500 calories a day for 32 days now. I think I'm gonna bump it up to 2000-2500 per day to help with mental clarity and focus for just these 11 days.
>how much Is this gonna set me back men? >I'm really sad but I have to do good in uni
Jason Bell
It will set you back 11 days, providing 2500 is your maintance
Hudson Flores
Maintence for me is like 1950 desu
>this is no bueno
Blake Hall
weigh in report
Feb 23: 228lbs Mar 2: 220lbs (must have been water weight?) Mar 17: 218lbs Apr 20: 212lbs
Gonna make it, boys
William Cox
>overweight >1950 maintenance
How? Are you 100% sedentary?
Jack Harris
ive got a bit of a hump back. nothing too bad, but it's noticeable if i put my hair up. will it go away when i start to lose more weight or am i gonna have to go to some plastic surgeon or something?
Evan Gray
What do you guys usually eat during rest days? I typically fast on rest days, but I'm getting sick of it.
Carter Stewart
Yes, I'm basically a veggie.
Samuel Clark
Is that fatfuck Justin ACTUALLY POSTING ON Veeky Forums??
Ian Hill
Yes. He is. Because something like that is impossible to photoshop. I know, becuause I am a photoshop master.
Fucking mong.
Charles Allen
new to these threads and they've been helping a lot, do you know if I can lose 20 lbs in 2 months without starving myself? Anf if so how many cal/day do i need to eat ( i don't know if there's a website for this so just asking here )
Hunter Peterson
You'll probably want to list height /weight and age.
Similarly, I'm 5'9", 207 at 35. Not horribly fat, but would like to get to 160 or so.
Joseph Mitchell
I'm a new/fat/ as well, I've found myfitnesspal great and pretty much foolproof for all this stuff. I'm getting about 1200 calories a day at ~300lbs with about 2 hours of moderate exercise and mfp reckons I'll be losing about 20lbs a month. Seems extreme to me but that's what it says
Justin Bell
you can lose up to 8 pounds of fat a month, but that would take a 1000 calorie deficit per day.
Jeremiah Hernandez
*every five weeks, not a month
Wyatt Howard
August: 350 November: 320 January: 335. I binge like an addict if I'm around food. Winter break killed me man. April: 307 I'm losing slowly due to trying keto and IF and binging after I quit. Now I just implement some parts of both. I'm gonna start hitting the gym after I hit three hundred. Any tips?
Luis Martin
how much is your maintance? 4 pounds per week seems absurd, that would be a 14000 calorie deficit per week (1 pound of fat = 3500 calories)
Nathaniel Ward
Eat 1000 below maintenance and do some mild cardio. I'm talking an hour of walking thrice per week. If you're a fatty that'll be at least 1000 extra calories burned per week. You get to around 10 pounds per month like that.
Gavin Rivera
>myfitnesspal >requires access to photos, wifi data, bluetooth, contacts, fuck might as well throw in ssn this shit better be fucking good user
Eli Reed
>Any tips?
Stop binging.
Xavier Taylor
stop loosing for excuses.
It only needs access to photos if you are enterprising enough to create a meal and post it with a photo for the rest of the community or your friends on MFP. It only uses contacts to help you find friends, and it uses wifi data to download nutritional info. Not sure why it uses bluetooth. Maybe if you want to integrate a bluetooth scale.
Levi Wood
April 3rd: 214 April 20: 205 I'm gonna make it brah
Robert Cruz
I'm 18 5'10 165 pounds right now but would like to get a little lower
Kevin Rivera
My maintenance always comes up at about 3300 even accounting for the moderate exercise I'm on so far. I just assumed it was ridiculously high because I'm 6' 1 and fatter than fuck
Asher White
weigh myself for the first time in 5 days.
gain 3 lbs. Kill me.
Ian Gomez
Weight fluctuates that much all the time, weigh yourself more often and average out the results.
Christopher Cooper
>not installing botnet: the app is looking for excuses
why not just count calories like an adult? myfitnesspal is Veeky Forumss biggest meme
Grayson Powell
Are you talking about an app version? I just use the website
Parker Scott
that's not even Veeky Forums, looks like /tv/
Matthew Torres
March 1: 265 Today: 258
Fuck, I'm terrible at this.
Camden Wright
>stop loosing for excuses. i was already counting them manually faggot i was just hoping for something to keep track of vitamins and shit since i cant be arsed to go that far
>It only needs access to photos if you are enterprising enough to create a meal and post it with a photo its an app for counting calories. not a social media network. fuck off.
>It only uses contacts to help you find friends see above. fuck off.
>it uses wifi data to download nutritional info. it specifically needs permission to access info about your network, like ssid and shit. it doesnt need that. fuck off.
>Not sure why it uses bluetooth. Maybe if you want to integrate a bluetooth scale. who the fuck owns a bluetooth scale. just put in the number your scale tells you for fucks sake. fuck off.
Jonathan Miller
Bless me /fat/her, for I have sinned.
I ate half a pizza and a large Coke for my cheat meal, and now I feel like shit.
Ryder Reyes
lol fatties are pathetic
Connor Gutierrez
Get triggered fatty
Jeremiah Lee
Hello /g/, you need to pay anyway for macro counting let alone micros. Just use pen and paper as you have been
Landon James
you don't have to do any of that shit if you want to, I'm not. Use it or don't, whatever
Parker King
wait, so it asks for all that needless shit, throws ads at you, AND locks features behind a paywall?
>tfw a mobile app manages to be literally worse than a sheet of paper
Lucas Murphy
December: 302lbs January 16: 285lbs February 1: 278lbs February 15: 272lbs March 1: 265lbs March 16: 254.2lbs April 1: 249.8lbs April 18: 241.2lbs
let's goooooooo
Zachary Watson
WTF are you talking about? I never paid for shit and I can see all macros and micros.
Ryan Morris
I think MFP works with those fitness bracelets. I think it may be an off brand model though. They use bluetooth to connect to them.
Jordan Baker
And the database searching sucks ass too, not to mention I've heard it horribly overestimates calorie burning from exercises. I honestly just use a marble notebook: weekly weight checks on the first few front pages, calorie tracking going backwards from the last pages and common food stats starting from like page 5.
William Powell
I'd read the sticky but it 404s.
I'm torn between keto and just simply cutting calories.
I can easily go keto since I love meat and I don't like sweets and I don't like cooking rice, I don't really eat wheat products because they bloat me, and corn just isn't that great unless it's on the cob (with butter) or in mashed potatoes.. which is why I don't want to go keto, because I love potatoes.
Anyways, the real, biggest reason why I'm torn is because of the way you lose weight. I've done a VLCD before and it was easy. My biggest problem with it is the limited menu. I'd switch back to a regular diet with limited calories but I'm afraid of losing too much muscle mass in the process (I have >100 pounds to lose).
Help me, /fat/.
I'm about to just say 'fuck it' and start smoking a dick load of weed to lose weight.
Adrian James
>I'm about to just say 'fuck it' and start smoking a dick
yeah you sound like it
Isaac Peterson
I don't get the aggression.
Aaron Long
breakfast is easy to miss . I'm doing a 18/6 that feeds between noon and 6 loading up on low cal veg makes meals supa filling , I love cabbage.
Chase Ramirez
What is that animu?
>looks comfy desu
Justin Smith
Is that cabbage, onions, and parsley and if so fucking why? How do you eat that?
Luke James
come on lad you set that one up
Gabriel Reyes
all time high was around 400 around a year later of slowly getting better about my diet and exercise I'm 318 and no signs of stopping
Noah Sullivan
good on ya man, keep it up
Josiah Morris
Any tips for getting over my sugar addiction? You know, something else than just stop eating it.
Zachary Mitchell
The secret is to realize it's not normal to eat what you are currently eating so eat less.
I used to weigh 140 lbs and would consider a 10 oz Totinos pizza a meal. At my peak fatness I would consider a 30 oz Digiornos pizza a meal. At no time between the 10 oz and 30 oz pizza did I stop to consider the possibility that the amount of food I was eating might not be normal.
It's basically an eating disorder to eat so much and consider it normal.
Luis Ward
what works for me with alcohol is imagining how good it's going to taste and how it won't set me back at all if I have shitloads of good days first. It's helped me get over the well-worn instant gratification rut and I used to be a pretty massive trainwreck drinker
Gabriel Watson
Seitokai yakuindomo
Joshua James
Bless me /fat/her for I have sinned.
I've eaten 2 enchiladas (sprinkling of cheese), a small Cadbury chocolate egg and a mini pack of chocolate eggs.
That's all I've eaten today though so still hitting 1500
Jordan Barnes
>got through work on 300cal of almonds Fuark yeah, so much room in my calorie budget I might finish off the last of my ice cream tonight.
Jason Brown
it's cabbage and cilantro , I put eggs and red sause on top . mushrooms onion and jalapenos too.
Nolan Garcia
Why do you eve have ice cream? Terrible food for binging, full of calories and sugar.
Christian Cruz
Fuck ya brother!
Jonathan Scott
never drink calories, always stay on diet
Samuel Lee
Nothing wrong with letting your hair down from time to time. Understandable if you don't have the discipline to resist eating it if it's in your home, but I don't have that problem.
Kevin Brooks
I don't either but ice cream is highly deceiving. I'd rather eat like one chocolate bar
Lincoln Edwards
do keto, i lost 60 pounds in 4 months and havn't had to starve myself been feeling great the whole time
Michael Ward
okay big deal. get back to what you were doing before hand. the cheat meals don't matter its what you do after that counts.
Christian Young
I thought today would be the day I stop binging like a mad man but i had a large McDonalds meal with a mcflurry.
I also drink coffee every day which fucks with my sleep and makes me weak in the gym. Fuck my awful willpower. Coffee is awful.
Cameron Gray
>Coffee is awful. It seriously is.
Also I'm assuming your gender because it's fucking Veeky Forums and everyone is a man but why the fuck are you a grown man drinking McFlurries????!?!!!!?
Joshua Ortiz
just drink a cup in the morning nerd
Easton Carter
It's an ice cream .
I'm not completely oblivious I had my meal in my car to avoid normies.
Blake Rodriguez
Jan 1st - 204 Apr 15th - 179
Also gonna make it
Luis Fisher
I'm around 121 lbs, the most I've weighed was still less than 130 Want a more Veeky Forums looking body
Tyler Wilson
>barely ate yesterday >haven't eaten all day today >have some rice and chicken for dinner >only eat half of it and feel full Is my stomach finally starting to shrink back to a decent size? Either way this feels good.
John Rogers
Fuck good shit my man. Your post gives me a lot of needed motivation. I started on February 25th, haven't logged my shit as much as some other people here but I started at 309, I'm around 288 right now. I honestly haven't been following the calorie deficit. I've begun meal prepping and properly counting calories since the beginning of April. Would've had more success by now but oh well. I'm gonna keep going. We're all gonna make it
Matthew Ross
If I was eating rice and chicken I wouldn't want to eat either.
Try eating good food and see what happens to your "stomach."
Brody Nelson
January 1st: 253 April 20th: 216
I probably would be less but I got really sick in feb that slowed me down a lot. Oh well progress is progress.
Dylan Baker
>only eating half a portion of chicken and rice all day >implying this is a normal appetite
Jason Williams
A quick question, ever since I have been losing weight I've been paying attention to my face and I've noticed I don't have thick eyebrows which I think is due to my poor diet in the past, is there any way to make them thick again?
Camden Ward
i fucking hate vegetables so much. how the FUCK do i make them taste good?
Julian Garcia
Buy biotin supliments
Evan Murphy
Also stop being a pussy.
Andrew Hall
>losing 3lbs a week >230lbs currently
I've made significant progress since I've started, but I want to be at my goal weight already. I'm hoping to be down to 185 by the end of this year. I just want to be attractive.
Sebastian Lee
Can you stomach beef liver? If you can, you literally have no need for vegetables. If you can eat liver (at least one slice a day) you can live happily and never eat that nasty rabbit food.
That being said, surely you don't hate ALL vegetables. As anti-vegan as I am, I will admit there are veggies that taste great.
Try putting them in things. For example spinach is really good in cheese and egg omelettes. Carrots and celery are almost necessary for pot roasts. Collard greens taste legendary with ham and/or bacon. Beets help make really good red beet eggs. Broccoli is a great stir-fry, as well as cabbage and brussel sprouts.
If you learn to cook them right, veggies are great.
Hell, I had a girlfriend that cut up raw cabbage, boiled it, and then added ramen noodles to the water and made ramen with that shit. It was actually really fucking good.
Kevin Sanders
Boiling your cabbage with salt, pepper, and a piece of bacon for every 4th a head makes it really good imo.
Liam Ortiz
I haven't cheated since the entire weekend of Feb.27 (my birthday)
My scheduled cheat weekend is supposed to be in one week, but I don't wanna go back up above 180 I've been floundering around here for almost two weeks now
Jaxon Thompson
Just eat at maintenance during cheat days, its not that hard
Kevin Harris
I've found out it's easy to lose weight when you're depressed and don't get hungry
Noah Hall
This one plate is my maintenance and I always have these for brunch on my cheat weekends they're my favorite.
I tend to go out to dinner and have a pint of ice cream over both days as well since I can never do either with keto being so restrictive.
Alexander Torres
Well i know it's not, but i'm not complaining. Why eat at a 500 cal deficit when i'm only hungry for like 800 cals total?
Easton Bailey
Looks like you've been dieting too hard, anger due to hunger user. Have a snickers
Jacob Miller
Stats brah? I feel like I should start cutting harder, but have been at a consistent 2 to 3 lbs per week. Sedentary as fuck tho nothing to do oustide my 3+ hours gym and swim sessions
I'm 6'1 went 280 to 258 in the last 7 weeks
Easton Stewart
That's like 500 calories dude the fuck are you on about?
Parker Miller
>Sedentary as fuck tho nothing to do oustide my 3+ hours gym and swim sessions
I don't think you understand what the definition of sedentary means.
Jackson King
Lol, /fat/logic
>1+1/3 cups flour = 605 calories whoops already blew out your estimate >baking soda, salt = negligible >1/4 cup oil = 482 >3 eggs = 234 >1tbsp vanilla extract = 40 >1 cup milk = 156
>4oz cream cheese = 400 >2tbsp cinnamon sugar = 100 cal >2 golden delicious apples = 220 >2 bananas = 200
WITHOUT SYRUP it's 1838 kcal With syrup it's over 2k.
this poor estimation is probably why you're fat
Jose Collins
my posture has improved as I've lost wieght. Literally feeling lighter on your feet does wonders for standing up straight.
Also core work with body wieght exercises helps.
Tyler Ortiz
It's not when you're depressed and use food as comfort
Michael Thomas
how did you do it?
Wyatt Cooper
That's not even your image dude, its old as shit.
Noah Bell
Oh lord here we go again
Yes, that is my image. Yes, it's old as shit.
Yes, I made them.
Kayden Anderson
They're not yours. Why are you lying on the internet?
Levi Sullivan
we just did this, I'm not gonna go through it again