Are there other ways to achieve a goat belly beside doing push-ups?


fix your diet, go running
then work on your abs to make it lean, easy as that

How would push-ups fix that?
You need to burn fat (any cardio is good) and tone your abs with situps, crunches or any other abdominal exercise

>work on your abs to make it lean
>easy as that
This is the kind of people giving advice here.

>spot reduction
>belly spot reduction using a chest exercises

Sometimes I wonder how the fitness world gets away selling so much retarded bullshit. The answer is retarded shitheads like OP.

You want to lose fat, so the easiest way to start would be to cut down on sugary foods and high carb foods. Don't drink soda, donuts, cookies, etc. If you want to speed the process up or if you begin to plateau start doing more cardio.

You obviously haven't read the sticky.
You sound like a vapid Cosmopolitan article

goddamn roasties...just eat less and do sit ups, not exactly rocket science now is it?
now gtfo

>Are there other ways to achieve a goat belly beside doing push-ups?
read the sticky you shit

Lumberjacks does actually help. You have to do some declined situps and leg raises to fix the aesthetics but not much

it's body fat problem, come on


>work on your abs
ahahahahahhaha fuck off

>strengthen core
>lose fat

Push ups incorporate the plank exercise to some degree and planks are usually recommended for core strengthening.

But yeah, might as well just do planks.

Lose fat

Also reduce alcohol and sugar as they get stored as visceral fat (beer belly come to mind?)

Yeah the other and only way that works is calorie deficit and overall dropping your bodyfat. Spot reduction is fat but training abs can help you because if you have big and strong abs they might and will pop out even at a higher bodyfat.

See pic related. He is 6-8% bodyfat yet no ab definition. But a guy who trains abs would have visible blocks.

So while spot reduction is a myth and the way normies mean it is a meme, training abs and focusing on it can help at looking leaner

being on Veeky Forums so long having doubt if gril or trap

how has no one mentioned posture yet?

Work on your abs by doing heavy squats, deadlifts and presses, you dingleberry.


Push ups work your abdomen?

I thought that is only for chest and triceps

Shut your retarded mouth, you fucking moron.
It actually does help, but it has nothing to do with the Facebook-article science spot reduction bullshit he's saying. It's simply just because muscle mass builds structure and is the same reason why bear mode looks different from being fat as fatass. Doing ab work definitely doesn't hurt, and it's also useful if you plan on doing heavy squats or deads.