/ss/ general

/ss/ general

Post your SS questions

Why would I ever do SS?

Because that's what gives you the best progress as a beginner

I can still at 1kg/workout on bech at 102kg but my rep is degrading from 5, 5, 5 to 5, 4, 4. I usually add another set of 4. is this yndtp or acceptable? is that last rep producing results I am missing out?

you are not supposed to add another set it you fail reps

At that weight you can usually go to intermediate programming, otherwise you could progress every workout by switching to three sets of three or one heavy set of five followed by two back off sets at about a 5-10% reduction

but it's just 1 rep :(

which chapter deals with this? the only part of the book I've read is form, nutrition

Practical programming for strength training chapter 6: the novice

this is what I wanted to do at first but my squat and DL have yet to crash. how do I ease into an intermediate program when the lift's progression is asymmetrical? do I just give up the remaining linear potential of my other lifts or just progress linearly on squat-dl and use an intermediate approach for bench?

Just switch for the lifts that are stalling while you keep progressing on squats and dl

Fug, linear progression to 102kg.
HEight, weight and other lifts?
Lifted before and getting back to it? got to like 90 kg when i did SS

I'm a manlet ;_;

5'8, 70kg, squat at 127 for 3x5, DL at 165kg 1x5, OHP 57.5. I can progress better at squat but have experienced multiple injuries which made me afraid.

No fitness background prior to barbell training. I've started lifting in dec 2015 - june 2016 doing curls, legpress (the machine was limited to 200lb), rows and smith bench/squat. quit for 2 months because I couldnt really see the improvement but resumed around sept when I managed to correct perspective on nutrition and programming. I initially plateaud until I bought microloading plates. those things are miraculous.

Progress pics?

I dont have a before pic, and I dont keep track of my body changes in pictures. this is in fact, the only picture of myself I have on any media other than group pictures on fb, taken just now

Upper/lower splits will give superior muscle gains + a more balanced body.



PPL demands 6days/week with a much more insane amounts of lifts. of course it's going to produce a superior result


Wat do after SS?

Not true, have you read the book?

Read about intermediate programming

commit suicide for having been trolled into doing SS in the first place

just rest more, as much as you need to be able to do 3x5

Can you do power cleans with a standard barbell, where the collars don't spin?

Texas Method if you want to be stronger

That's not standard, that's shit
Also yes, you can

what's a decent SS regiment for mass?

There are no SS-regimens, there is just SS

Finished reading it man, thanks. I have 1 more question; for the next 2 weeks I will be on leave and was thinking to go all out and learn new exercises. i was thinking of an AM+PM for 6 days a week; this is what I have planned so far

Squat 3x5
Front squat 3x5
Leg extensions 3xF

Bench 3x5
Wide grip paused decline + incline 3x5
Pullup+chinup dips 3xF

100m sprint, 1 min rest in between, 10-12

Rows 3x10-12
Barbell rows 3x5
OHP 3x5
Lateral and front raises 3x10-12
Tricep pulldowns 3x10

Sorry if this is retarded. Is this acceptable? I am very well aware upper body exercises for consecutive days are not a good idea, what if I switched OHP and bench to an AM-PM to create more room for rest?

fuck I forgot to mention the new ones I wish to learn

romania DL, PC, lunges and some ab works

That's basically fucking around for a couple weeks, it's actually a good idea if you plan on starting intermediate programming when you come back.

what about options for new exercises that I should look to implement?

so far things I have done irregularly are back hyperextensions, calf raises, DB farmers, leg raises.

I am quite concerned on how I have been just following templates leading to lack of understanding on accessory works. my aim isnt really BBing, quite frankly I just enjoy breaking PRs

Split the volume between upper/lower for better results, i.e.
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Leg extensions
wide grip paused incline 3x5
Pullups or chinups 3xF

Front squat 3x5
wide grip paused decline 3x5
Pullups or chinups 3xF
dips 3xF

Alternating between upper and lower lifts will allow your upper to rest while you hit lower and vice versa, allowing you to hit bigger weights in the same amount of time.

See: SS
Squat - lower
Bench - upper
Deadlift - lower

Squat - lower
Press - upper
Power Clean - lower

You would never be inclined to go straight from squats to deadlifts.

As long as you can progress don't worry about accessories, if you want to do them for fun and they don't interfere with your recovery go for it

thanks dude

You can, but don't. The torque on your wrist would be pretty harsh.

Don't even try. He won't listen. You can't torquemada anything.

ey, what's torqumada with you?

Who do I belieb? Is there a safer alternative to cleans other than rows?

Dangit, last quote was meant to be

just do rows or chin ups

Interesting. So if I rows or chinups my pussy, will it not smell so bad anymore?

Has anyone here run SS while getting back into lifting after a break or injury?

Running it now but noticing I'm not stalling like I did previously. Making consistent progress, almost back at my old weight.

injured 5 times total, 1 ankle, 2 knee, 1 hips, 1 elbow all right side. I'm not sure what you mean, since if you deload but havent hit prev PR its not weird to not stall. but from my own personal experience, the linear progression continues if you've yet to hit full noob gains.

this is of course assuming my definition of injury is true. for all those instances I had to stop for a solid 1 week at all the related exercises. they still linger sometimes up to 2 weeks but have become tolerable.

I'm actually right dominant but not it's clear my left side is stronger. from bench/ohp/squat alway rising from left first and doms worse on right side