368 calories

>368 calories
>50 gr protein
>1 gr carbs

Why aren't you eating this ?

Cause i'm poor and/or don't know where to get the best deals for cheap protein bars ?


Its soy protein you dumb fuck. Soy protein has one of the worst amino profiles

How much cock is up in your arse ?

Go ahead shill your shitty protein bars
why would you make a thread if you cant deal with facts

Bitch titties spotted. Gtfo mate


Have access to costco? Costco bars
No access to costco? Pure Protein bars

>shit tier rewe "protein" bars

found the dyel.

Eat Fkin harzer cheese 100g =
127 Kcal
30g Protein
0,1g carbs

Because they're overpriced.

because quark exists

>12.2g protein
>no weird ingredients or garbage

Dont eat processed foods, poisons your body creating acidosis

>his protein bar is made out of soy and not insects

because i have very surface level knowledge on nutrition. Enough to know that I shouldnt eat this garbage

Veeky Forums newfag here.

what's this thing about soy giving me bitchtits? i started working out in january and I literally have soy milk with outmeal for breakfast every fucking single day. will this affect my tits?

no. there is something similar to estrogen or so in soy. which idiots equate to estrogen and claim it gives you bitch tits. but it actually doesn't affect you at all.

thanks m8

Because I can't seem to find a place that sells to North America for those. Plus it's partially soy.

Soy is a shit protein and could give you bitch tits if you're already at risk and ingest too much of it

How do you not know what bioavailability is. Im not totally sure but i think soy's is like 50%, so when you factor that in it has less protein than a quest bar with twice the calories.

Wasted quads, soy bioavailavility is 96%, the same as whey.