Doing Squats

>Doing Squats
>Right knee starts to hurt

>feel a sneeze coming

>Dead lifts
>Feel myself aging

>back starts hurting

>mid-OHP on 2 plates
>gym bro starts tickling me

>serving myself 1 Snoop
>At that moment piano Man sees this

Shit forgot pic

>inject test
>chest starts to hurt a littler

ur fugged :D

turns out it was heart burn.

>lauch sein

>hip impingement as per usual

>nerve in elbow twinges on the ascent every rep

>left hand's internal grip on bar is slightly off compared to right just enough to annoy you

When this happens I rack the weight and move along

>left shoulder impingement as usual
>desire to scream intensifies
>good thing is nobody know can tell I am injured they just think I and pushing myself

>farmers squats

>right hip impingement starts acting up

I was never going to get those yolked quads anyway

>suicide grip
>suicidal thoughts creeping in

Holy fuck this. Like a slight tremor with no pain

> middle of squat
> feel your balance tipping backwards

>Doing squats
>Pants rip

> doing squats
> gym bro sniffs

>Squat plug slipping out

>dumbbell raises
>one arm gives out early

>bench press
>feel my twig wrists strain and snap

>First sip of the day
>Chest starts to hurt.

>maxing bench with no spot
>can't get the bar as high as the safety's

>he hasn't trained his abdominal floor so his boipucci can produce more suction that the air intake of an F-22

n o t g o n n a m a k e i t

>Lying hip thrusts
>My hips don't lie

>benching max
>bar starts to tilt

just get the bigger ones.

it's time, user. Worth the money.

>Forward lunge
>Opponent halfheartedly parries my jab and responds in kind.
>Our back and forth begins, he notes my defense using the rocky terrain and gives me some clues about his own style
>He's better studied than I expected
>He compliments me and admits my superiority with blade
>He's smiling like a fat kid with a cake
>Ask him why
>He says he's not left handed, switches, and starts to drive me back
>He's actually amazing, pushes me to a ledge and pins me

>doing squats at all

never gonna make it


> one more rep to go on bench
> dogs chase each other into the room