Hello Veeky Forumsizens, I need to lose 50 lbs fast. Real fast...

Hello Veeky Forumsizens, I need to lose 50 lbs fast. Real fast. I made a post on /adv/ basically stating im not living life like i want to live and i want to move. How do i lose 50 lbs in like 2.5 months? And yes i do acknowledge overtraining.

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Intake less calories than you burn.

go to Veeky Forums and find the "thinspo" thread. ask there. literally skellitins

DNP and 75% TDEE intake
you will feel like you're dying (and you pretty much are), but that's pretty much the only way you can lose fat that fast

Losing 0,5kg per week is easyish. More is almost impossible. Being fit is a lifestyle, not some 2 month training spurt..

they're not gonna be able to give a fatass good advice. those crackers can like on 300 calories a day.

he's better off in /fat/ on here

>more is almost impossible
You can lose about 5lbs a week and be fine

how do you figure? that doesn't sound healthy

how would you do that?

Because I've done it before
Not saying it's easy, because it definitely isn't, but if you're healthy it won't hurt you

1200 calories a day, all in one meal, and as much cardio as I have the energy to do. Plenty of sleep too, that's more important than a lot of people give it credit for
Doing this I can shed a little over a pound a day.

desu, i'll second the DNP post. it's really dangerous and poses some serious health risks, but if you're desperate, then go for it. i lost 13lbs in 11 days, but it was worse than death. have fun?

I understand oh well i will be fucked if i dont do this now.

Why the next 2.5 months. Wedding, of GF moves back to town, holiday...

You're like what 22 years old. We don't know... say 22 5ft10... goal weight? we don't know... 50lb less than now. What is so important that you need to be normal weight... if that @ 22 years old and 2.5 months vs Being normal weight at 23 years old for the rest of your life from developing good eating habits.

Over training... What do you know about overtraining?

Many overweight people can't even step on a scale. It's a mental thing... You might think you're 230lb and actually be 260-75lb.

First step I'd say would be go buy a scale... Second step weigh yourself every day... 3rd step... buy a bike... That could take you a month. Forth step walk/cycle everywhere...

Do you even have a job/hobby... Sure I have no job therefore I can work out 24/7. But that means I can work out 2 hours and sit in the house and play computer games eating pop tarts for 8 more hours.

Stupidest thing you could do is start running and put out your knees or go slip a disc. Go to a gym and overtrain and put your muscles out for the week it's going to take you to recover just adjusting to what's expected.

1200 calories a day in chicken breast. Cucumbers/carrot snacks. Water bottle... low calories flavor if you must. Coffee/tea.

All time not exercising will be learning about heart disease, watching documentaries on obesity, corn syrup, soft drinks etc... rather than Dragon Ball Z/1 punch man marathons for motivation.


Water fasting

fatty mentality til the end. i give you 3 weeks max

I can lose a pound a day if I just drink water, ain't that hard.

this +1. Its incredibly healthy but you need to watch out for a couple of things, especially having too little salt.

1250 calories a day
Drink a gallon of water a day
Do this everyday for 2.5 months

cut off your leg

kinda-similar situation here
I'm trying to lose 10kg or a little more in 2 months
guess all I'll need is the intense use of the running machine 5 times a week... and of course a good diet.


How do i get rid of the fatty mentality? Im mostly suffering from messiah complex

330 to 280

In late teens

Overtraining basically you dont want to train every day religiously because it does more harm then good. Youll also need a break so your muscles can repair themselves

I already have lol thats why i know my weight

user you must be a female your post is some retard trying to be subtle. And no i dont watch Super or One Punch Man, im watching One Piece.

How many sets/reps do you recommend on lifting?