I bought some sardines when I saw that it's protein content was off it's head and how fucking cheap they were and I come home thinking I had struck gold. Out of curiosity, I used bodybuildings protein calculator and for my age, height and weight, I'd need a whopping 195 grams or 10 fucking cans of sardines a day to make my goal. Is it full of shit or what? I hate protein shakes but it seems like thats the only other choice.
Are you a moron? Why would you even think to get your entire days worth of protein from one source? Sardines are GOAT
what is your height and weight, also some lift states.
195 grams could be right if you're a big boi.
and 195 ain't much, I easily get 150 without going over 2000 calories. I just don't eat much grains.
1 can is 17g protein for me
you're probably better off with tuna but it cant hurt much to thrown in various protein sources like sardines and anchovies
25 6'2" 85kgs.
My nutritionist has me eating 300-350 g of protein per day. I know thats alot but 200 doesn't seem too crazy
I eat basa and eggs as well but apparently I have to eat like a fucking monster. I've only been downing probably 100 grams of protons but in the 3 months I've been lifting, I've made pretty good gains.
Tell me who this is RIGHT NOW
Andrea Rosu lad.
yea 195 grams seems too high, that's more than 1 gram per pound of body weight, which is already pretty high. all you need is .8gram per lean pound of body mass (muscle).
your goal is easy to get to. eggs, chicken, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and sardines can easily get you there as your main source of protein, no need for powders. just weigh up what you eat and calculate it to see if it meets what you need.
holy fuck how are those protein farts?
you got protein toxicity yet? does your liver feel like a heavy brick yet?
Sardines are an amazing find. They have a huge protein content, and they are super cheap. Plus, they have a bunch of other great vitamins as well. I don't know why people don't call them a "super food" yet. PRobably a good thing, though, if they became a fad, the price would go up.
Try them on toast!
Your nutritionist sounds like they are trying to kill you. Are you a big guy?
>10 scoops c'mon bro!
It was an example for comparison you intellectual
they're great and all but one of my cans is 34% of the daily value for cholesterol, so it may be JUSTing our arteries
worth it tho 9bh
Well that means your 187lbs, so 195 grams if protein ain't too bad. But listen to the various sources if quality protein.
I'm 6'8" and over 300 lbs
So fucking good, omg. Better protein than everything except some crustaceans and protein powder.
wow if she didn't have fake tits she would be perfection.
2g/kgbw is way too high
do 1g/kglbm
I agree.
how do you make tilapia taste good?
it tastes like shit if baked normally..
They're too fishy to sell well to the general public. I love them, but don't see them getting popular near me any time soon.
they smell and taste weird/bitter.
much worse than tuna
tho i agree their fish oil contents are great!
Just dump some sardines and shrimp into your shakes
I eat vegan soja filet. 64g protein, fucking insane.
good idea retard. Why not consume canned fish for the rest of your short life. Go on.
does she go to USF???? i need to know
holy shit, thats a pretty good transformation
I'd fill that Pussy (ass) with my semen any day and I am straight
>I am straight
Where the fuck do you people find sardines cheap? The only sardines I ever see are minimum $2 a can, and that's on a sale. Please don't tell me you are eating dollar tree brand sardines or something. I am the complete opposite if a food snob. I will buy the cheapest shittiest brand on any and everything possible. EXCEPT sardines and blueberries. If you buy anything less than $2.50 a tin of sardines you might as well just be buying tuna anons.
Depends on the store, obviously the ones in olive oil are about $1 more.
The ones in spring water are $1.69 at Trader Joe's if you have any.
USF senpai represent \o/
No shit? I keep hearing about Trader Joes but the closest one is 45 minutes away. Maybe I'll make a trip one day to see what the hype is about.