Just another cocky overrated racist nigger. Nothing that special here but I'll admit, he was pretty damn good at boxing
Who do you think has come closest to being the perfect human...
If you've ever heard the guy speak and then ask if he had an IQ of 70 then you might want to get tested yourself.
>overrated racist nigger.
Well now. /pol/ would've loved his views on integration. He was racist, only because society was racist towards him, he always showed the utmost respect to whites and had a majority of white friends.
Heyheyhey, they elevated math when Europe was busy burning witches.
Now it's sadly the other way round.
brendan fevola
>implying pol is rational
Bruce Lee is a good choice
He was very balanced in life. Not the best really, and Im not pretending he was the best fighter of all time, but he had a very good approach towards fitness, lifting, flexibility, mental well-being, intelligence, cooking, etc
His journals are really interesting, albeit a bit outdated.
Kris Kristofferson probably
>Rhodes scholar
>golden gloves boxer
>helicopter pilot
>Army captain
>literature professor
>wrote some of the greatest songs of all time
>handsome movie star
>banged playboy models
but he's a fucking nigger dude