didn't see one in the catalog

bodyfat estimate? advice on where to go from here? been lifting for about 3 months now. 148lbs 5'9"

also i should add


>3 months
Just keep eating and lifting. It takes time.

I'm at 2.5 years now. Gonna bulk another 10 lbs or so before cutting.
5'11 185-188ish morning weight.

16-18%, might be higher, but you have so little muscle it's hard to tell

Looks like about 15% body fat, at least thats what I looked like when I had 15%

I'd say ~16%, if you'd cut now you'd be auschwitz-mode so bulk slowly and surely.

Pic related is me after about 3 months bulking – should I go full steam ahead and bulk till february, or throw in a month of a mini-cut somewhere in there?

Lifts are 170x3 OHP, 260x3 bench, 375x5 squat, 410x2 deadlift, wanting to hit 2/3/4/5 1rm's by the end of this bulk.

Have posted this pic once or twice before

around 140 lbs


Your bodyfat dosen't matter OP, just keep lifting

I'd say try to gain as much as lean mass as you can till next march, then slowly start cutting

5'9 164 cutting
~1 year lifting
inb4 gyno lul

>I should add 1/2/2/2

Are those your max lift for the press, bench press, squat and deadlift? How are those relevant to your bodypic?

Since we're doing this 1.25/2/2.5/3.75 or so for reps

nice underwear :^)

5'9 turbo manlet 190 lbs.
Been lifting serious for 9 months, I would say between 18%-20% body fat, maybe a bit higher.
>80kg ohp
>128kg bench (yeah, I bench)
>135kg (I know, I know...)
>170kg dlf

you don't bench lmao2pl8 bro

lift stats?

cmon senpai, hes borderline DYEL

you got potential kid

weight and height?

6'3 210lbs

He's 5'8 140lbs... in /frauding/ mode, he would be 180+

Yeah natty

Flat dumbell press 90 lbs dumbells for reps
Front squat 135 lbs

I don't back squat, deadlift or do regular bench press anymore.

congrats, you made it

19yrs / 220lbs > 153lbs cutting to 145 currently / 5'7 / Lifting for a year now.

Can I get a body fat estimate and some tips on how to get a decent chest?

Side picture

Pretty sure you're more than 20% BF. 23-24 % I'd say. Nice stats bro.

You're closer to 25%

Around 20% but hard to tell with the lighting

yeah, this pic isn't very flatering, and I look a bit flatter then I actually am. I base the ~20% on those online calculator where you insert your measurments and it gives the estimate. I think I also store an uneven amount of fat on my belly

since other fatties are posting

6'3 200

99% faggot


>drinking alcohol

chicks love the dad bod when you've got arms desu

not that i really have arms to speak of

182cm 83kg. been coasting for a couple of years; really trying to take it to the next level now re: volume & frequency

Chicks love literally anything above the average in america. I've only been lifting for 5ish months and get looks all the time. Either way drinking is bad 4u user and if u do it then ur a pleb

good frame.

what do you do for traps?

nice traps senpai

Thx- to be honest I think it's just the way my shoulders are structured genetically, but I do upright cable rows as direct work-- indirectly, BTN Press & zerchers (which I do a *lot* of)

how much do you zercher (assuming squat)?

from the floor I can do 180kg, or just under 400lbs. started with 50kg

very impressive dude. What about the big 3?

very average m8, especially my bench. 225 dead, 170 back squat (lower back issues so i avoid it, & it's weaker than my zercher) & 110 bench-- which i'm really busting my ass to improve since it sucks so much.

bench is a bit behind, but squat and dead are breddy gud. Remember, bench a lot and do variations (incline, floor press, etc), it should blow past through any plateau

Thx- at the moment I'm trying a heavy day (2x7), speed day (8x8) + close grip bench & incline DBs as assistance. Feeling really good so far. What are your numbers and goals like dude?

All the comments I ever get are long torso :(

Month or so old, just hit
1 plate snatch
2 plate clean and jerk

i'm this guynot really into aesthetics (obviously), just want to lift big. My squats and deads are pathetic due to some bad mobility issues, but I'm working hard to fix it. as soon as i reach 2/3/4/5 ill be happy, and then focus on fun lifts, like the zercher and stuff like that

>hurr only one ever talks about my long torso

that's because you take the pic like it's a god damn dick pic with that angle trying to emphasize whatever length you got.

If you wanna build your squat & dead, I'd recommend adding zerchers right away. The carry over into both movements is great, & it's a very simple movement to master re: mobility. You just need to find the "sweet" spot in your forearms, gradually condition them to the bar & tough it out. Huge bench btw very very nice.

Also you've probably tried this, but if you have poor mobility- try to dead-lift either sumo style, or conventionally with a *very* close stance. I have mobility issues too & these work best for me.

Will try the dl variations, only do the standard and behind the back and i'm getting tired of it
Bad mobility affects mainly the squat tho, after a certain point I just crumble under the bar, lose all explosive strenght and end up grinding it up. doesn't look good

5'9 175

/fraud/ or just nigger genetics?


Height/weight/bf percentage always throws me off. It's weird how it can vary so much.

I'm 6'0" and around 175/180lbs (scale at the gym says 180 but I don't think that's right). Also just had to take a week off because of strained back.

Pic related is me.

5'11" 178lbs, been lifting for a little over a year. 1,025lb total

fucking proportions man... do women honk at you??

looking good my man

About 155, currently bulking.

Any estimates at my body fat %?


I don't lift, just boxing and memey bodyweight stuff.

That being said I was 109kg during easter so progress isn't too bad.

Forgot pic, my bad.

Down from 184 to 135. Can I get a bf% estimate? I think I still need to lose ~20 lbs before I start bulking.

terrible picture quality


good job! I dig the fro too

We posting nudes? Shit. I'm game.
172 lbs, 5' 9"


Notice how you're the only one jerking off? Inappropriate, Steve.

Am I gonna make it lads? Lost 50 lbs and now I'm starting to actually do some exercise

focus on flyes (use different angles) and correct chest contraction

Spend a year treating the gym as an hour that I just need to fill, started taking it seriously 3 months ago.

6'0 161lbs, steadily gaining weight (thank god)

Congrats on the weightloss. If you've gotten that far, you owe it to yourself to make it.

Small peter

Trying Bro. Not going for swole, just aesthetic. Been doing simple shit like push-ups curls squats etc. Friend who's really into fitness gave me a routine to do at home for a month and see how it goes, so I've been doing it ever other day whether I want to or not.

Focus on the following movements:
>Front Squats
Because fuck that Back Squat/DL bullshit.

Then start to do:
>Pendlay Row
>BB Press
>Upright Row

If you want more arm work:
>Dips/Push Ups
>Chins/Inverted Rows

You also have wide hips, so go get your test levels checked. You might get some gains prescribed by the doc if you tell him you can't get a boner.

>skinny fat
Just fuck my shit up
What do? Cut/bulk?
Lifting 1mo
>Bench: lmao1pl8
Squat: Lmao2pl8
Dead: Lmao2.75pl8

I dunno dude, I don't think I'm low test. Is wide hips really that bad?

Srry, am turbo retard, forgot stats.
6'0" 160lbs
Lifts are for 5 reps.

Lifting for fifth month
>1/2/3/almost 4

How much is too much at the gym?
I can easily spend over 2 hours lifting, but I've been told that's not that good

How much compound for each muscle group?

Been lifting for 4 months

went from 142lb skeleton to 162lb skeleton

I feel like theres something off with my body but I cant put my finger on it

I think it's different for everyone, and I base my time off of how good I'm feeling that day. If you don't feel overworked and you're progressing, you're probably fine.

why don't you get the operation you idiot

you have a very nice body

If you actually get serious about lifting you will be a god tier squatter. Your torso is very long.

narrow shoulders

this results for only 5 months training? mirin genetics

Cut to what? Your skinny as is already. Just clean bulk. You'll start seeing plenty of definition at that bf when you git some muscles gains. Don't even think about cutting unless you're at least 180/190lbs

16 to 18%
Hard to tell with lightning and picture quality tho. But you seem similar to me.

this was about over the course of a year, i had no real pictures of me in 2016

i kind of want to cut down to 140, i sitll have lower back fat and shit, but im honestly sick of cutting and im weak as hell anyway so i wanna bulk

wat do

this gives me faith i wont become littered with flabby excess skin

mirin progress but shave that fucking shit

I think u cut too much, u could have used some weight for gains

Damn son, nice work.

6'0, 164lbs, similar body to yours maybe a little bigger in the chest

yeah idk how the fuck i did it, i was 17-18 during this whole thing so maybe thats why, apparently skin loses elasticity the older you get

my chest or my pubes? it doesnt even matter honestly nobodys lookin at that shit but me lmao

i did make gains, not serious ones, but decent progress. i thought i would look like a skinnyfat twig after i hit 150 but i dont think i look all that horrible


Ignore the fags, shaving is for women.

ive been cutting / occasionally lifting since late 2013/early 2014
I'm 6'1" started at about 270; 190 now
will i ever lose this pouch of weight on my stomach & the top of my glutes (makes me look like i have giant hips


Lifting for 6 months (after 3 years of body weight)

435 deadlift

Squats scare me for some reason

what do you do for abs?

How do I look?

195 5'9