What exercises did the ancient Greeks/Spartans/Romans use to get so fukn fit?

Run, Jump, throw things and wrestle or box.

Diet: 2 lbs of bread, 1 lbs of meat, some cheeser and olive oil and a few vegetables (which were seen as unhealthy and only used for taste).

Halteres were 11 kg at most, iirc. Very light, in any case. We also don't know what exercises they did with them, since they were seen as very unimportant in training.

>but they couldn't figure out that repetitively picking up heavy stuff makes you stronger
They actually figured out that lifting is useless for real world strength and looked down on it. Only two reasons to train: War and/or health. Anything else is bullshit.


Be prepared to ruin your body very quickly which didn't matter than because the average lifespan was so low.

Enjoy your exploding knees

Post body
Ps: they actually did lift.

Greek athletes consumed a lot of meat and dairy (for the time) to get optimal gains, based on the rudimentary knowledge of the time, and they saw it worked.

>primarily being designated as rowers for the Empire's boats.
What a fucking retard, boat rower was usually a slave's eternal and lowly function.

That must be why they came up with the concept of gymnasion and actual competitive sports (plus the competitive mirin of aesthetics) in the first place. Fucking idiot.

speak for yourself lad

Warship rowers seem to have primarily been citizens rather than slaves, least from what we know of the Athenians and a few other city-states.