What is the fastest way to cut and look my best in a weeks time? Should I do a severe cut and a shit ton of cardio + strength training. Any other tips to cut within a week? Idc if it's dangerous
Fastest way to cut fat/look shredded in a week
Questions like this make me mad. How can you be such a moron to have an attitude like this.
This fucking "want it all, want it now" spoiled teenager attitude, combined with being enough of a goddamn retard to actually even dare to hope that real life works like this.
Got news for you son, you're not going to make it. And the World is going to be a better place without you.
IF or full on water fasting coupled with strength training.
>In a week.
Fuck off.
holy fuck those thighs
to give you a straight answer you are gonna wanna dehydrate yourself. you could probably drop up to 10lbs of just water weight. no one will notice anything. if you are a girl and don't wear makeup you will look more tired in the face. you will be more tired.
so all you have to do to maximize your goal here is to dehydrate yourself for a week. maybe cut some carbs and calories down. basically kill yourself slowly.
i've known a dozen girls and heard of even more who have gone on week long diets, cleansing diets, 1 month diets, all this bullshit. and what happens? i hear from them they lose 10lbs or x amount of lbs and they feel better blah blah this and that. but then what? they stop starving their asses and they gain all that water back plus end up unhealthier. and these girls are in their 20s and 30s. these are grown ass females making these adult decisions.
to top this bullshit off, when you starve yourself your body burns the muscle, not fat.
if you do what others said and strength train for a week, the only difference is you will be more tired and your body will crave more nutrients/calories. plus dehydration will be higher.
this is the reality surrounding your original idea.
>when you starve yourself your body burns the muscle, not fat.
Nice momscience, retard.
Water fasting
stop eating
Piss off. You shouldn't lose more than 1-2lb per week. Maybe slightly higher if you're super obese.
Eat Stop Eat is pretty fast, but it likely won't shred you in a week.
>1lb a week
The absolute state of CICO cucks
He's right though. Do your research.
Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Manual uses the protein sparing modified fast, where you basically only eat protein and supplement with essential fatty acids. It's a crash diet that is only beneficial for ~2 weeks for already lean individuals.
Educate yourself retard
welp that's all the proof i need
j/k lol eat shit
enjoy being a DYEL cuck cause you dont know how to maintain muscle
>150lb 18yo calling someone else dyel
laughing my fucking ass off
Nice source. Lemme guess, some nutrition blog?
lmaoing at your brain capacity.
>be ooga
>be starving
>need kill mammoth because want eat
>can't kill mammoth because muscles go turned into fat to have more fat so i can later convert fat into energy and not move because i have no muscles
you don't need to be a scientist to figure out our bodies aren't retarded.
I actually don't purely adhere to the notion of CICO. Obviously calories matter, but there are many hormonal things to take into account that affect the CICO equation.
Standard calorie restricted diets only work for so long since your BMR drops with your drop in calories. Then people hit the wall and rebound.
IF for the win.
source please
Wow you really showed me. Such enlightenment, I've obtained from this post. You're so above us all, Dad.
I think you misunderstand my post. It's for an event I have to go to. I already workout etc. I just want to know how to look my best in a weeks time. After the event I'm going to bring my cals back to normal. Hence why I don't care if it's dangerous as it's only for a week.
Ketogenic diet. Cut carbs and sugars. Also just drink water.