>programs make you look like shit
annnnnd THAT is how I know you don't know what you're talking about
Zach ate 6k calories a day.
>programs make you look like shit
annnnnd THAT is how I know you don't know what you're talking about
Zach ate 6k calories a day.
That's because it's a strength program, dummy. Yes, that guy looks like shit now, but he's strong. If he spent a couple of months on a cut he would look fantastic. Most people on Veeky Forums aren't chasing purely strength, but a blend of strength and aesthetics that can be achieved in a multitude of ways, the best and fastest way being something akin to starting strength followed by a cut.
>Using his legs, absolutely disgusting
That is pretty impressive he is an old fart.
Under the guidance of the writer of SS, following his instructions and the programme that unironically recommends GYNOMAD
I've never once seen someone go from being that fat on a bulk to looking aesthetic
And even if he did cut, he still has no arms or traps
Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't commonplace. The fact is that building strength requires building muscle after a small initial noob gains period, and that the right proportion of muscle to body fat will look aesthetic. That muscle must be achieved to look good, whether you're doing a bodybuilding routine or a strength one. While a bodybuilding routine might keep you looking better during the period, you simply won't make the strength gains as fast as somebody willing to sacrifice aesthetics in the short term for a quicker long term payoff.
That photo is after 6 months of progress. He's not going to look like your cbt showoffs who have been lifting for years. For one, if he's running SS, he's doing diddies, so he's going to have decent traps buried in that fat somewhere. Arm wise, I would guess they're either buried in fat or he hasn't been doing any isolations for them whatsoever.
there's a difference between bulking and bloatmaxxing
and that picture wasn't even his final form, he still put on another 40lbs and looked even worse
And you're still not hearing my initial point. Of course he's going to keep looking like trash if he doesn't cut, but that's not the point of SS. If you get a fatcunt and make him cut down to nothing without any muscle, he's going to look like shit too. You need something to cut to. With Zach, he's got so much muscle to cut down to that he will look great when he does. If he just wants to keep running for strength, that's fine too, his goals are different than some other peoples.
I think the primary misconception is that people run SS expecting it to make you look good. SS will build muscle and quick, guaranteed. It's up to you to decide when you are strong enough that you will sacrifice your quick strength gains to look aesthetic and swap to a decent program that fits the speed you want to cut at to reveal the muscle you built on SS. Doing SS on a cut is retarded. Doing SS and expecting to look good at the end is retarded. Doing SS for any other reason than to be strong is retarded. It's called Starting STRENGTH, not starting aesthetics. If you want to go from shitcunt DYEL to decent, run SS until you hate your fat ass, then swap to something like a 4 day split or a PPL on a mild cut until you become 10%, then swap back to a strength program, etc.
>he cares about what women thinks
>he lifts for women
Everyone except fat powerlifters lifts for women