Hey Veeky Forums, first things first I'm not one of those "I'm here bc New Years Resolution and will leave in a month" types so please don't assume that's why I'm here and yet have the body I do.
I've been working on my weight off and on for a little while, got in much better shape over the summer, and lost it over fall. Been trying to get back in the saddle for about a month.
First off, what would you estimate my body fat being? I'm thinking around 20%.
Secondly, I haven't been going to the gym and have been just using free weights and some jogging. I use 15 for high rep, 30 for medium, and 40 for low rep.
Thirdly, stats: 157.4lbs, ~5' 7.75", ~24.5 BMI. Ideally, I'd like to be 21-22 BMI.
I really want to widen and enlarge my shoulders, tone out all my of muscles in general, and finally get abs.
In the past I've found that getting top abs is not hard, and I think that if I could get lower and mid abs down I could skip the six pack to an eight pack as that general area has always been the easiest for me to tone.
My chest is soft, and while it has an okay amount muscle underneath it, gyno plus fat makes hardening my chest really shit. Solutions for hardening without gyno surgery?
Finally, I've heard mid intensity running/jogging is the best way to cut since it's cardio that really stays cardio and doesn't cross into anaerobic like full on running. If that's true, would it be possible for me to speed walk/jog 7 days a week (~1 hour each day) without worrying about shin splints and knee shit like the over-enthusiastic runner? My mom has knee problems so I don't want to push that.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Go easy, I already know I'm out of shape. Looking for constructive criticism.
Hey Veeky Forums...
Here's a side shot, really accentuates the gyno, but I'll be damned if that's going to stop me
One of my arms flexed, could use more meat on these bones, but toning is definitely a big issue like with my whole body.
One from the back. I really don't think my frames all that bad I'm just not doing shit with it
read the sticky
you don't have gyno
I do, doc confirmed, pics were just shitty. Its cold here so my nips were shrunk, usually they stick out like party hats
Want to tone, is jogging a better option than running?
What's my body fat % in your opinion?
Tips for hardening chest and widening/enlarging shoulders with only free weights?
Stop using this word you double nigger. You wanna cut? Just eat less. You don't need cardio to lose weight, where the fuck did this come from? Just get on a beginner program and do it until you reach 1/2/3/4 or until you can't up the weight anymore. If you only care about aesthetics do PPL or some shit.
I can't eat less than problem isn't caloric. I barely eat enough as it is, just eat less
What a dumb response
Nothing about what you are eating or in what ratios, or frequency, or anything slightly nuanced
>brainlet detected
>problem isn't caloric
What is it? But it doesn't matter what you eat if you just want to lose weight. If you wanna be healthy as well it's a different story. If you're eating less than 1500 calories, I'm gonna assume you're losing weight.
Well, I think it is a problem, just not over-eating. Maybe my macros? Over the holidays I gained weight and pushed over 160 since like thanksgiving but somehow I'm keeping 157 no matter what. Days will go by that I will have one piece of chicken or steak and that's it and I still haven't lost weight. No clue what the problem is.
>I'm keeping 157 no matter what
This makes no fucking sense. It's not like you're getting calories out of nowhere. Have you tried tracking your calories?
Wtf do you mean by tone? do you mean have visible muscle? or are you some faggot that thinks tone is the equivalent of bulking then cutting.
Right? I have tracked my calories. I guess I just have an ultra sedentary life style (at least in those periods). Not sure how long after I started working out again I'm supposed to see weight loss. I'm studying chemistry, my body is baffling me on the scientific level
Yes I mean more visible muscle. I want to be able to see three different strips of muscle in my shoulders, not one chunk
>ultra sedentary life style
Are you bedridden or something? Unless you're a tiny woman, you should be losing weight if you're eating 1500 calories a day. Considering your weight and height, your TDEE is gonna be at least 2000. How often do you weight yourself?
Maybe relevant with some additional info, when I was younger and didn't have a clue about fitness someone told me "eat less to get in shape" and because i was a brainlet I literally just ate a shit ton less like starvation mode so it fucked my body for a while i lost as much as 20lbs in a week combined with rigorous exercise. Felt constantly on the verge of death or at least fainting, but hey, anything for deluded ideas of fitness amirite
That weight was from just today, and has been the same since may 2016, with some fluctatuation down to 150 and up to 163. Granted, i traded a good amount of fat for muscle, but my weight hasnt changed. I used to be a bit more tubby than i am now.
Also yeah, I'm 18 so I should be eating like 2600 especially since I was a little bit of a late bloomer with puberty, that all is still very much happening. I don't know why but I can barely stomach 2000 a day if I complete ignore macros. When im counting for macros i cut by 300-500 calories. I dont understand how to eat 2600 calories without at least 50% being carbs. I need to eat like 3-4 new york strips a day
Recalculated, not quite 2600, but about 2400. Problem stands.
Do I have to eat like this every day? I'm still not even close to my TDEE
>eat like this
Is that too little for you? If you can barely stomach 2000 calories you'd think cutting would be a breeze.
No, no, too much. I haven't eaten this much in a while. Also how the fuck am I supposed to grill steak that often
And you'd think, wouldn't you? That's why I came here, hoping someone would have answers. Am I not cutting bc little cardio?
>too much
I've been a skelly all my life, but eating 1500 calories in a day isn't that big of a deal. I've seen people that weighed less than me but damn. You don't need cardio to cut/bulk, it's all about eating. But I guess cardio would help when cutting. You should do HIIT.
Are you saying I'm more skelemode than you? Not meant in a confrontational way, I'm just unclear of your meaning. This is my dinner tonight, had two of these earlier today. Maybe its my apetite finally recovering from anorexia mode back in the day
This one is ~12.5oz, others were as well so I will change my eating log
Ok so if I eat 3 new york strips a day (~12oz each) plus steak sauce and some sort of carb (for fiber, ignore that this is tea) I hit macros for keto. I also have chronic diahrrea so being stopped up is the least of my concerns. Thoughts?
Nah, I'm slightly skinnier than you, a bit taller. I just don't get how someone can't eat 1500 calories. I probably ate less before I started lifting, but if you actually try eating it's pretty easy.
That's what I'm doing right now. 36oz of steak in a day is pretty big but the more I workout the more my apetite is coming back. I wish there were more resources for anorexic guys, if I ever told anyone irl I'd get called a fag and ignored. Coming back from that has been rough, any tips? General disordered eating, including yo-yo dieting, but mainly un-training your brain to fear food
I just started doing GOMAD, and while it hasn't been the best experience, it works.I said fuck it and am just gonna continue with this until I hit my goal weight. I get hungrier now if I haven't eaten in a while, but still get pretty full after eating the same amount of stuff I did. The way I used to eat was just eat until I didn't feel hungry. Now I actually finish all the food I have on my plate. That's it for me, If I put a certain amount of food on my plate, I gotta eat all of it, instead of just eating until I don't feel hungry.
That bit about feeling hungry is good, I'll keep that in mind. Isn't GOMAD a bit of a meme? Didn't think anyone actually did that
Everything on this site is a meme. It works, so whatever. You can try it out. But I'm actually looking forward to being done so I can eat some solid food. More of it, in any case. You're not just supposed to drink milk and eat nothing.
Oh god you are one of those that dont understand basic physics. If you were eating at 1500 you wouldnt be that fat
>Isn't GOMAD a bit of a meme?
>is ingesting 3000 calories (at least) a meme for people who "can't gain weight?"
No, because you can't fuck up counting an entire gallon of milk.
I'll try to drink more. I want to add muscle, but my primary concern is getting to 15% body fat or bellow, then bulking
Hey man some days I just don't eat. Can't miscount that shit. When I do its usually a bowl of chex, not the sugary kind. I'm stumped too
Gotcha. Not looking for rapid weight gain, but I see how that could work if you are.
Why the fuck are you eating steak everuday
Not every day, this was today. First time I've had steak since August, I love it so much. Usually its some chicken or sausage plus cereal or some shit, thats all.
user, no one this fats spends days without eating.
Its the honest truth. I know what I've done. And I'm not actually overweight, just not fit.
I know someone this fat that spends days without eating, actually. I don't know how they are fat or why OP is fat, either.
>eating two steaks and drinking a tea for the day
God damn user diversify your food a bit.
>Want to tone