What you eating Veeky Forums?

What you eating Veeky Forums?

I see you are a man of culture as well

two eggs and spinach spring mix
>yeah buddy

Almost the same thing but with brown rice.

I actually ran out of brown rice so I had to use white.

Had stir fried cabbage/brussels sprouts/carrots with salmon and soy sauce tonight. You guys know you don't have to eat tasteless mush every night right?

OP here, I live way up in Canada. It's a blessing that we even get these foods at all. We don't get any of that, sadly.

throw a fried egg in op

>tfw i have red rashes on my face that all googling points to inflammation due to gut bacteria so the inly thing i can eat in the mean time is meat and veggies

truely suffering bros

Damn! Sorry. They can't get food up there? Is this like a place where the roads are only good frozen or something?

Move down to America guy. Paying for health insurance is totally worth access to soy sauce.


oats + cocoa + milk

Taboule from publix

get rid of that white rice and replace it with some eggs

>defending soy sauce

Nice try dr. Sheklesteinberg

>8 cups of power greens
>Frozen blueberries and cherries
>Coconut milk

i just had 2 steaks and rice with some sweet potatoes

Who here /mealprep/?

This is 2-3 days worth of chicken drumsticks.

What seasonings?

Sashimi with rice ma nigga

Smart man. I don't really do this.

Anyway here's chicken livers and onions w/ gravy.

is it really even worth it to steam like 6 pieces of brocoli? I'm not trying to be a dick jw. is this for cutting or what


Had a homemade steak burrito bowl for dinner.

Pretty boring lunch. A can of tuna in water, a peanut bar, 3 eggs scrambled with salt and pepper and mixed with half an onion and 50g cottage cheese. Around 500cal.

I'm cutting. Also, steaming is hella easy mate.

Bulking? Can't eat that on a cut.

you could depending on what other stuff you had been eating but yeah this is super fatty

Liver's actually really lean, it just has a lot of cholesterol. And the gravy's just pan juices + a little flour. Only about 10g fat in that from the livers. Also put some vegetable oil in the pan.

Thats 90 whole calories of fat mate. Can't be having that on me cut.

chicken breast

meme on me

sole filets
mixed frozen veggies

Paprika, Chicken Seasoning, Soy Sauce, Hot Pepper Sauce, Mild Curry Powder, Garlic Paste.


I had a fat piece of cake with some ice-cream earlier and now I regret it.

Some baked ziti. Gained a whole 7 lbs so far

I had my "Mexican" style omelette, with bacon and toast, a bowl of oats with nuts and berries, and a stir fry for dinner no carbs

Salami, Gouda cheese, bacon, egg salad.Great sandwiches for bulking.

And a greek salad for dem veggies ( with raw onions.. devillish)


>tfw starvation mode
Nothing but ice chips, vitamins, and protein yeast for me.


Banana/oat/eggs pancakes

damn that looks good

They're delicious and super easy to make with a cheap grinder

bacon in eggs

Do you do what I do and even calculate calories in advance? I'm eating 10750 calories, 750 grams of protein and 600 carbs over the next 5 days. I already put it all into myfitness app and it's all in boxes in the fridge.
I feel like I'm feeding zoo animals or some shit

How do you make that

Your food just makes me feel sad.


Dont forget to grease your elbows, knees and other joints in your body or you might burn all the lube in it and get too old too early

Starting this today. Oatmeal for breakfast

ratios of ingredients?

Just had three eggs, milk, onions and spinach with black beans and corn tortillas baby. My favorite

Damn, you are really cutting. So glad I'm just a permabulking strengthfag

Mirin your foresight bro

Thanks user. Over the past 4 years I’ve gone from 170 to 220. Very week.

Used to be a mechanic, but had an event happen and now I work from home. Never was aesthetic, but was strong as fuck. Gotta be around for awhile so making some changes.

>rice meat broccoli

Why did this meme start

Why do all these brainlets not have any capacity to think for themselves

It's called cutting and living in the middle of bumfuck nowhere where you LITERALLY CAN'T get anything else unless you order it for triple the price.

Fuck off will you?

potato meat asparagus, however, is /masterrace/

Whats the White stuff?

Plain ol steamed chicken breast.


Fucking rank bruv. Id rather eat soy

How do you deal with the rancid taste that develops after a few days?

Nothing. I caught the norovirus and I can't stomach eating.

I dunno man.. this is literally the first time in my life I've made an effort to eat decent.

I recommend you try out putting steak/buffalo to prep and freeze it, I've noticed the taste remains far better than chicken. I've also heard that squeezing lemons on the chicken preserves the freshness but I can't verify this.

Good luck on your journey bro. And don't forget to eat your onions.

What cut of steak would you recommend?

>all these carb filled meals
enjoy your no gains

Sirloin tip side steak, if you have the money. Otherwise I'd go with top round, but that's not as flavorful and will dry out easier. If you can spare the calories, use some olive oil to preserve the freshness.

Another option is making hamburgers and putting them in there, make sure they're fully cooked, then with a little seasoning and oil those can stay fresh and tasty too.

Cool man. That can be next weeks meal then.

I can deal with less than optimum taste as far as the chicken goes. The way I’ve been eating I deserve it.

fresh organic milk, water, sweet potatoes, idk how is it called but veggies with egg, and a fucking big chunk of angus meat.

get on my level normies

why do people think eating clean is eating bland ass shit like this? This looks so bad

I measured the average meat on the drumsticks, put that into Eatthismuch and use that. It's annoying cause to be properly accurate, I'd have to weigh it before and after eating, cause of the bones.

have you tried not eating a fat piece of cake with some ice-cream ?

What about Potato meat and broccoli?

Jesus Christ this website is awesome

If the broccoli is sauteed in olive oil with garlic it is acceptable

This started off as an omelette, but I grossly understimated the amount of beef and veggies I had, onion included of course.

forgot pic

why are you fatasses eating rice?

>whole unpeeled potato

1 cup rice
4 cups broccoli
4 eggs

Breakfast of champions

Drier than grandma's pussy crust.

Can you sauce that stuff and reupload the image please?

Thanks in advance.

Just had a raw white onion. My stomach feels a little funny, but that must mean it's working. We're on the road to sick gains lads.

the same thing but with onions instead of rice and eggs

my beef also doesn't look like a flattened turd because I know how to sear it properly

>This is 2-3 days worth of chicken drumsticks.
That's like half of a tv dinner

rather eat my own shit as at least it has traces of good food in it

fucking autist probably gonna warm up these shitty tupperware boxes in a canteen where you work and stink up the whole place while you look like a total dyel

Yeah now that you mention it I’ll just keep eating frozen pizzas pasta and beer everyday.

yeah, either you eat plain or disgusting food, nothing inbetween, right?

It’s a means to an end. Yall sound like women. Always gotta have something special.

half of those add up to 110g protein, at 828 cal.

Would you please stab your potatos with a fork before you cook them so they dont bubble like that, thanks.

My OMAD today. Kept it as ketogenic as I could, with 3 chicken drumsticks, a serving of veggies, and 8 slices of cheddar cheese for extra dankness.

10.1g Carbs
65.6g Fat
78.3g Protein
959.3 Calories

>80g brotein

Are you 4'11 90lbs by any chance?

I'm cutting fat. I'm actually 5'11 205lbs. I'm doing prolonged fasting combined with break refeeds of low calorie days of a single ketogenic meal.

Why aren't you eating onions to reduce estrogen and improve fat loss?


4 chicken breasts
A cup of red lentils
100g of Quorn mince
2 eggs

177g of protein
60g of carbs
25g of fat

Give me your honest opinions

>plastic plate

Fucking poorfags should be executed on the streets.

>be picky as fuck eater
>now that I work out, I only eat Eggs, Cod/Salmon, Turkey, Chicken, Peanuts/peanut butter, some oatmeal in the morning occasionally, low carb breads like english muffins when I actually do make sandwiches, tons of spinach, and milk

Is this diet enough to get me Veeky Forums bros? I drink your typical gainer shakes after workouts too