For us people that had shitty diets and sat long hours playing vidya, being sedentary in general, the skinnyfat syndrome is something beknownst to almost all of us.
The problem with being skinnyfat is that if you cut, you’ll become auschwitz-tier, and if you bulk, you’ll end up like bloatmaxx except with twig arms. What should one do in this hypothetic situation?
Pic related is a very good example of skinnyfat.
Benjamin Price
isnt that just plain ole fat?
Dylan Garcia
""Skinny"" fat
Kayden Clark
Not exactly. If you’re just fat, then you have at least some muscle under that fat. But if you’re skinnyfat, you look a twig with fat put on. Absolutely no muscle underneath. Fucked up body composition and muscle atrophy for various reasons. It fucking sucks.
William Torres
im pretty sure the solution is eat a couple hundred calories below maintenance, or at maintenance until you build muscle, and lose the fat. not that difficult man
William James
Easy. Cut to auschwitz mode then bulk untill you hit Adonis mode.
Angel Jenkins
>falling for the "it's impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time"-meme
Jack Robinson
>denial, the post M8 you're just fat. Maybe not obese, but you've got more dough than a pillsbury can
Asher Brown
Cut to auschwitz mode, then bulk. Or bulk to bloatmaxx and then cut. Yeah, you'll look even uglier a few months but that's the price of fixing years of living the wrong way.
Ryan Flores
just fast until you're skele... That's what I did, but unironnically I like the skele twink look so I don't want to bulk
Leo Hill
There is no dilemma you fucking moron.
If you're skinny fat you do the same thing you do if you're fat.
1. Lift 2. Eat at a moderate caloric defict while maintaining a high protein intake.
If you do that you'll put on muscle and lose fat, continue until you hit single digit body fat percentage and then if you want to leave humanity behind you enter the bulk/cut cycle or if you just want to be otter mode you slighty increase your caloric intake so you can recomp to otter mode.
The only hard part is doing it, there is no dilemma.
Nolan Powell
And don't you dare tell me you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, you can if you're fat (15%+ bodyfat which most skinnyfats are).
Jeremiah Thompson
have you tried working out and eating healthy?
John Perry
What weight will I start to lose belly fat? I'm down from 230 to 170 at 6ft tall but there's still an inch of fat on my gut.
Jeremiah Cruz
Get your body fat% done at a professional place.
Jeremiah Scott
Just do nothing, never improve yourself
Ian Smith
You cut till you're just skinny and then bulk ??? wtf is wrong with u
Josiah Lee
I clean bulked then cut. I didn't gain very much if any fat and put on enough muscle to make up for it, then cut to ~10% bf and went from there.
Thomas Sanchez
Oliver Butler
Nobody even implied that, you sensitive little bitch.