I'm almost 32 years old

i'm almost 32 years old
do i look good for my age?
good? average? above average?

In general? looks ok, I'd say average depending on where you're from

according to Veeky Forums standards? From looking at this picture pretty damn bad

in general

Veeky Forums will scream DYEL at schwarzenegger prime pictures

You look like what the other side of the glory hole feels like - the part I stick my dick in

Considering most people start getting out of shape and fat in mid 20s except people who do physical jobs you are doing pretty good

>tfw 27
>tfw coworkers are mostly 30+ and all in way better shape than me because hard labor work

I'm a roofer and all my co-workers are jacked even by Veeky Forums standards

I'd say average at best. I'm 37 and look a lot better. Do you exercise at all? Being serious.


I'm 24 and people from high school that were in good shape are now fat as fuck

if you are a pleb who never goes to the gym ya you look ok for being a mud grubbing peasant. if you DO go to the gym and actually make an effort you look like doody

Sorry, my friend, but you look like shit. I'm 56 and in fantastic shape.

Can you even make gains past 28? Obviously I'm talking about being natty

yes fag. stop looking for excuses not to better yourself

You're not fit, if that's what you think. You look literally average.

Yeah but is it even worth it? Aren't the gains super slow?

Generally? Yes.
You? Probably not.

Dude you're 28 you arent fucking 60. Gains are slow for everyone who doesn't roid, its a grind. but you will make progress. be a better version of yourself tomorrow then you are today.

I do feel 60 though

Nice fucking excuse. Holy shit. Just leave fit if that's gonna be your attitude.

thats cause you are probably a lazy bitch who doesn't work hard. start working hard and your masculinity will return to you.

I do work hard, I work 60 hour a week labor job I'm far from some desk job lazy guy

post body.

I’m 31. Been doing a half ass PPL for last two years.

breddy gud, shoulders and chest need a lil work

you look terrible

I’m trying. My diet is shit

Nice work. I got 2 years to get to your level.

what are your lifts + calorie intake


Mirin for an old man are you natty?

That is a gross exaggeration you old faggot. r/fitness is more your speed

Being relatively Veeky Forums in your late 20s is fucking easy mode when it comes to ladies. Most guys in your age group have already given up and look like dogshit.


I'm 29 and friends and co-workers my age have gone to shit physique wise

fuck off newfag
i'm browsing this cambodian gorilla breeding forum for 10 years now