Never done leg day

Bench 1rm: 120kg / 265lbs
Bench 5x5: 100kg / 220lbs

Bicep curl 4x8: 22kg / 50lbs

I've been lifting almost a year now, but I've never trained legs. How much would you expect someone with the above lifting strength to be able to squat as a 1RM and 5x5? Going to start really weak so need something to aim for and measure my progress.


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The bar.

14o0kg 5x5 would probably be where it should be at, but start light with good form and build up slowly, no point injuring yourself for a 3pl8 squat with bad form


>5x5: bar
>1RM: 95 lbs

Good luck with not fucking up your legs because you never trained them like you were supposed to.

Just squat your bodyweight, you'll be find.

Do you ride around in a rascal scooter doing your curls? I bet you're a calflet. Post legs now so we can all laugh at you

I did my first leg day today and squatted 80kg 5x6 quite easily.

Although everyone saying 'bar', I'm not asking where do I start, I'm asking what someone who benches 120/265 would usually be able to squat.

probably about 80kg 1rm

yeah but your form is probably really bad.

quarter-squatting does not count

I had a PT so he made sure I was deep squatting but I'm sure my form wasn't great on my first attempt.

Someone who benches 120kg / 265lbs should have a 1RM of 80kg on squat? Given I can do that 10+ times in one go I think not

a normal squat for someone who can bench 265 should be around 375-405, and deadlift should be around 495-525 OHP should be around 175-200.

You're special kind of retarded, aren't you? Whole different muscles bro. Doesn't mean shit how much strength your chest has if you ask how much your legs can do untrained.

I'm not asking how much my legs CAN do, I'm asking how much you would expect someone who lifts what I lift upper body would be able to do lower body.

Am I not being clear or

why do you think bicep curls help you with squats? like i said. post legs, calflet.

Again, I'm not suggesting that they would. I'm not suggesting that because my upper body can lift a reasonalbe amoutn that my legs will be able to lift more than any other untrained legs.

I just assume people would expect someone who benches 120/265 would be able to squat X amount if they trained both at the same rate. Get it? Legs attached for your amusement.

Ah, finally an answer from someone, cheers mate

First time I ever squatted I squatted 2 plate 8 times ass to grass but I bicycles 5+ miles a day for years beforehand

Squats are a meme, I leg pressed 700lbs my first time trying

Ah that's mad good. Wish I had started cycling when I came to Uni, but there are lots of hills here so I get a decent leg workout walking up and down to lectures. For a first squat that's mad good.

Thanks bro

Im a fellow bicycler, what I found is I have trouble controlling the downward motion as the weight goes up, but I can spring back up like its nothing.

did 750 as a 110lb 8th grader

he's obviously asking what squat/deadlift would be proportional to his bench press, had he trained them equally from the beginning

if you shaved your legs I would say they could pass for a females.

pretty embarrassing stats for an obvious curl chimp, bench shitter manlet. how about fucking off so you can kys you vain little faggot? no bump. get lost. retard.

>actually believing that you'll be able to sq/dl/ohp those numbers right out of the gate

LMFAO at this idiot. if this total nimrod dumb shit is OP then yeah, fuck off.

Same here man, the going up was easy as fuck but going down was wobbly


is this guy trolling or just incredibly stupid

If you want me to be honest. You're looking at just wanting to start with the bar for squats. With deadlift (fucking do them, nothing is better than pulling that bar off the ground) I'd start with 10kg plates. Just get your form right. Form is important for every excersie. The squat and dl can be very unforgiving if you don't pay attention to form. Drop your ego and drop the weights. Lifting with perfect form is more impressive than a cunt who looks like they have no idea what they are doing.

Have the exact same feeling springing up but struggling to control on the way down. Hopefully will come with time. When I first starting benching it was wobbling all over the place and now it's much more controlled. First step done today, long road ahead.

Yeah if my spine and knees could take it, then I would just bomb in with 5 plates... too bad thats not gonna happen.

>dumbass can't cope with the reality that 3 different people calling are out OP for being stupid
>forms a narrative for himself that it's all the same person

that's embarrassing, kys faggot

Yeah the different is that a squat is a full body movement. It will use you're legs core back. It's much harder to control. Leg press is just for show imo. I can get more out of 5x5 80kg squats than I can for a couple sets of 300kg leg press.

Glad I'm not the only one who has no idea how they struggled with the question haha

didn't suggest I'd be able to do them out of the gate, quite literally said in the original post 'need something to aim for'.

Considering doing this next leg day. Did 80kg (20kg and 10kg plate on each side) and felt wobbly. May just take the ego hit and drop it down to 60kg and just get the right form, after all that's what I tell my friends when I show them how to bench. Makes sense, hopefully will grow to heavier weights like that too.

chances are you have accidentally gotten legs a little with other exercises, but technique is still important. You'd probably be able to do 200-250lbs, but you might also get injured doing that.

To us probably be looking at 200kg+ squat and dl

Yeah man for sure. Dropping ego is too though, because it shoots up so fast. You know how to eat and lift. You'll find yourself making so much progress in your first 2-3 months. Stick at it train hard and you'll go from 60kg deadlift to 115kg. You'll go from shit squat up at 100kg after that the real fun begins. Just stick to constant progressive overload until you hit your limit and slowly build from there.

Now ok I just ask you a question. How'd you get biceps to strong. It's the one muscle I struggle with. I train them once a week and do cable curls, dumbbell curls and precher. But I can't seem to get them stronger.

ths shitposting is obvious

I play football and box at fairly high levels in England so they're not completely untrained, but I have 0 technique. Will keep lower weight rather than risk injury then, cheers. Will try read up on technique before next leg day, too.

Sweet nice one. Just curious, do your legs hurt loads for days after every leg day? My upper body rarely hurts the day after a session now, do legs get used to it too, or is the leg day doms permanent?

isnt it obvious? he is basically a curl bro.. bench and curls all day everyday

>ah that mad good
>for a first squat thats mad good

imagine taking like this in real life

legs get used to the doms too.. I dont hit mine too often so its usually a 2-3 day soreness

yo mang whys yo makin funz tha wayz I talk yo

Because I didn't do legs I would literally do

on repeat, so everything from my bench and bent over row to curls and skulls flew up. Combine training biceps 3 times a week as well as eating right, it goes up fairly quickly.

This is why I need to do legs haha, people seem quite shocked that I can bench but I've never done legs.

I'm from london haha

still grim, means I can't do legs other than mon/tues/weds because I have football matches at the weekend


When I first went to the gym I assumed all the stacked men would be alpha wannabe dickheads. Literally every single one turned out to be so nice and helpful, offering to spot when I was doing a solo workout, giving me tips, and just bantering.

Quite surprised that there are people here who are hostile to people trying to improve themselves, even if it's only one or two and the rest are helping.

thats how all the mutts in NYC speak.
>yo its mad cold out today wtf

that's how you can spot the insecure dyels/fatties/whatever

Ehhh nah not really. Just stops after the 3 or 4th time for me. After a good workout I'll always feels stiff or tight but not doms.

Damn how did you train that often without running into overtraining?

No idea. I'm only in my first year of uni so maybe being young I recover fairly quickly, and I've always done sports so maybe that helps with recovery time. I eat a silly amount too which probs helps

haha thought as much


>I had a PT
Don't trust them to know what they're doing
>t. PT

I did the exact same thing as you except I am 10kg weaker lmao

You know there are strength standard calculators all over the internet right?

not him but kys pos baka desu senpai

>bench 265
>OHP 200
are you retarded? Someone who benches 265 will probably ohp around 150-165, not up to 200. 200 ohp is easily 300 on bench as an equivalent

guy in OP pic natty or gear?

When I first started I did 70kg, in a year I went up to 140kg