Anyone here ever witnessed a heart attack?

I like how the vaccine shillers stuck that "EVIL ANTIVAXER" thing in there.
Like polio, small pox will come back or one of the artificially constructed flu viruses that were pourposely released into the wild will become a super flu right out of the fucking stand unless one of the flu vaccines, which actually did't stop one single case of flu last year and even gave millions the flu in the first place, is given to her kids.

Become a vegan.

>s diet consists of only meat , eggs and other fatty stuff.

I thought that the "fat is bad for ya" theory was BTFO years ago, no? Ansel Keyes was a fraud and dietary recommendations from the government were all bullshit. OP's dad's heart attack came from somewhere, but it wasn't his from his plate.

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Vegans never have heart attacks.

is there anyway to reverse heart disease?

I have seen a lot of heart attacks since I work as a paramedic. Mostly it is old people or fat people who gets it. Others are just genetically disposed to it but they are few and far apart.

Eat moderation, work out and get some fish oil.
This is literally all you have to do

thanks for the tip fellow vegan

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Not if you don't change your diet.

I expect nothing less from the retards in this thread..derp derp eat vegan..derp derp vaccines are bad...derp derp my essentail oils will protect me from polio.. stupid fucking a hamburger and cut your damn hair

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>yeah, afaik there's just really no need for sat fats, we're all gonna make it breh

completely fucking wrong. why has this board been invaded with mom science?