What’s the verdict on fast, hard cuts (a kg or more a week) Veeky Forums...

Don’t do this OP you’ll lose too much muscle, a pound a week max

TDEE calculators are good for a general estimate, but the amount of data you input is very limited and the results have a fair margin for error.

The most accurate way to calculate your TDEE is to track all your meals, exercise and bodyweight (at the same time of day, preferably in the morning) over an extended period, obviously the longer, the better.

A timespan of a month should give you accurate numbers. If you lost weight, take that as 3500 cal/lbs into account, gaining weight should be somewhat similar.

This will give you your TDEE much more accurately than any calculator ever will.


This is the pussy option. Get snake hugo and fast for 7 days take three days on and fast for a another 7 and boom you're done

Fake news unless you're under 12bf you won't lose any strength

Whatever you say brainlet

Kg a week is possibly a tad fast

We already know that the body does not consume muscle while fasting, so why are you guys so afraid? Unless you are already an extremely buff guy and have to keep fueling your shit loads of muscle, you will not lose any muscle mass

So a kg a week is fine then? Very confused
