MAGA brothers

Nice argument, stupid Mexican.

Fuck you bitch.

Literally all western commies are hideous genetic dead ends. You and your kind are less welcom here than /pol/

die slow bitch

Attached: lefties.jpg (1024x768, 223K)

You’re cherry picking. Dipshit.

I have never once seen a normal looking person that is an unironic communist.

Attached: CE39878C-C6BB-4873-B735-3F034F7267AC.jpg (190x272, 32K)

post body then

prove you're not as ugly as literally EVERY other internet commie

Attached: leftist.jpg (900x1200, 95K)

You posted a pic of a normal looking old guy. Idk what your point is.

That's Pinochet lol, he killed commies

Attached: camelposting.jpg (1236x931, 184K)

Not fitness Related

It was the battle flag of the army of northern virginia