What are Veeky Forumss other hobbies? Pic related

also Veeky Forumstist and /backyardgareden/fag

Nothing besides lifting and rotting infront of vidya.
I feel so hollow bros

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I keep drawing, maybe one day I'll reach Sir's level like in pic related. Doing traditional for now though.

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>be on Veeky Forums
>still playing vidya and most likely watching japanese cartoon porn
this shithole unironically got me into lots of good shit stop being faggot and pick one of these


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My brothers. Originally got into it as a young kid, picked it up again about 15 years later. Also aiming for spess muhreen mode.

Photography, help run society at uni. It's an amazing way to meet QTs who want to play at modelling.

Cooking, social as fuck, and girls love it. It doesn't take that much work to be head and shoulders above most student aged people either.

Reading, cooking, meditating.

Masturbating to fetish pornography

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Competition handgun
Ammunition reloading

>pic related is pretty much everything.

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