i dont understand the attraction, it doesn,t look like a man, and it doesn't look like a woman. why do you like it
How do you feel when this kid is more in shape than most of you fags?
Grayson Russell
Blake Fisher
I doubt anyone has a static IP and doesn't know how to proxy though.
Probably the androgyny? Tomboys are also great, just not gay as fuck.
Tyler Bailey
Jack Scott
I would love to suck his cock.
Xavier Lewis
>can't see deleted posts
Look at him and laugh.
Daniel Nguyen
in general there's kind of a threshold. Past, say, zyzz tier leanness and muscle mass it doesn't add much to your attractiveness to women, nor does it subtract, unless of course you're after a powerlifting woman. So if you want to get huge do it for yourself.
Cameron Morales
>tfw I could easily overpower this boy and rape his ass