Finally got a GF and I think she's cheating on me


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this is such a niche problem. But i have it too

Not too long ago I went from barely having sex to having 3/4 partners that I was sorta pursuing. One by one I realized they were like this and the last one who was really cute and I actually liked eventually asked me to choke her during sex and I just felt deeply disgusted and like I had lost something

Don't even get me wrong, I love choking girls during sex. But something about them wanting to be just makes me horribly sad, like I'll never really connect to them

thanks bro

Fuck off man, I see you on every post with a person replying a random name hoping that you get lucky and scare them. I've never seen you guess right before and it always pisses me off so pls stop

plz show bobs and vagene

nah dude i just used to bang a chick with similar tits

What the fuck is an "emotional affair"?

So another option for you is to start doing some romantic shit that she likes or w/e and see where that goes. Maybe she is trying to light up a spark that has been going out for a while and hoping that it will come back this way, or make you show you care in a more elaborate manner. Maybe she has some other emotional trouble that she is dealing with by doing this shit. Try it.

It's because you're not a degenerate, user. The sadness you feel is the realisation that the jews have corrupted women to the point that being a broken whore is the norm

based op