Don't be a pussy. Gotta force feed yourself if you want to make it
6'6 ~216
bench 120kg
squat 140kg
dl 200kg
shoulder still fucked so no ohp & heavy pullups
Looking pretty good. Your traps could use more work and your hips look wide. Might just be your pants though.
Yep, this is a bro split. Btw to achieve the body in the pic I never barbell benched, just dumbbell. But yeah I did a lot of dumbbell/barbell rows and weighted pullups for back.
Also for legs, I would either do sprints (just Youtube "sprint workout" and click on first video - just increase volume to advance) or lifting.
Cardio is fasted in the morning and was either sprints, 45min HIIT cardio (Millonaire Hoy on Youtube), 30 - 40 minutes of jump rope, 6 mile fasted walk/jog.
I felt insanely healthy.
kek, thanks man was hard work!
Can I get a bf estimate lads?
Lost 6kg since December and plan on cutting until full abs and obliques.
Most my fat seems to be on my lower belly, sides and legs.
Are you just asking to get called a faggot?
My back looks good but still no lower abs or leg definition yet.
What is her name