
Don't be a pussy. Gotta force feed yourself if you want to make it

6'6 ~216
bench 120kg
squat 140kg
dl 200kg
shoulder still fucked so no ohp & heavy pullups

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Looking pretty good. Your traps could use more work and your hips look wide. Might just be your pants though.

Yep, this is a bro split. Btw to achieve the body in the pic I never barbell benched, just dumbbell. But yeah I did a lot of dumbbell/barbell rows and weighted pullups for back.

Also for legs, I would either do sprints (just Youtube "sprint workout" and click on first video - just increase volume to advance) or lifting.

Cardio is fasted in the morning and was either sprints, 45min HIIT cardio (Millonaire Hoy on Youtube), 30 - 40 minutes of jump rope, 6 mile fasted walk/jog.
I felt insanely healthy.

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kek, thanks man was hard work!

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Can I get a bf estimate lads?
Lost 6kg since December and plan on cutting until full abs and obliques.
Most my fat seems to be on my lower belly, sides and legs.

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Are you just asking to get called a faggot?

My back looks good but still no lower abs or leg definition yet.

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What is her name