Based rippetoe just BTFO'd numales. How will they recover?

This retard literally advocates against having abs

Imagine the absolute delusion and seething cope of this guy who was a bitter fat fuck his whole life against Chad and the only women he smashed is his fat wife. Even as a fat old man the cope burns deep

Attached: topkek.gif (230x175, 1.94M)

Some of it was decent. Kinda just sounded like he really wants to fuck an old farmer or construction dude though no homo.

Still reasonably happy with SS. The squat and diddly progress is the only thing keeping me going on it since my bench and OHP feel like they're taking a while to progress.

This. He was fine until he ripped aesthetics. Aesthetics are a pillar of western civlization. Fatties woudln't understand

Attached: david.jpg (259x194, 5K)

Mark wasn't ripping on having abs he was ripping on working out purely for aesthetics and not a useful measurable level of strength w/ progress forward. Just cutting bodyweight and doing some abwheels is working out not for your own inner progress but for approval for others which is a womanly behavior.

Attached: EU-ERC-FAR-25-a_RID.jpg (800x1203, 64K)


Damn Mark's pic in the OP is like an obese version of this

That cope about abs, though

Nah, that dude is literally a half-god. Definitely magical gains

here you go. Do this for your OHP/Bench
