ITT: People you would not want to play a tabletop game with

You don't know who David Bowie is?

Let me guess, you do know who Luis Scott-Vargas is, right?

Jesus fucking christ. How does somebody not know who Bowie is, was, will be. Fffffuuuuck.

It's true. As far as I can tell, /pol/ does dislike /r9k/, on the whole - but it hates the root cause of /r9k/'s degeneracy more than the degenerates themselves.

And /r9k/ loves /pol/ because /r9k/ are some of the most disenfranchised people in the entire world, and /pol/ is full of people who aren't telling them they should be ashamed of themselves because of the way they were born.

So there's a bit of cross-contamination there.

I think that'd be an uploaded consciousness, no?
Or would a brain-in-a-jar cyborg be considered sufficient for cyber-lichdom?

>SJW admitting to making mistakes

To play devils advocate, he will flagellate himself until he bleeds if a progressive woman calls him out on social media, and blanket censor any of his wrong-think :^)

Hello, Reddit.

Shut up, Wesley!

>Hello, Reddit.
Can't speak for that one guy, but I don't use reddit.

Can't make head nor tails of how their posts are shown.

Do their posts appear in reverse order, most recent at the top? Who can read like that? Ugh.

Felecia Day. Fuck her and everyone who tries to pander to that queen of the nerds shit. Especially you, Wil. Fucking faggot.

>You're feeling it now aren't you...what the rest of us live with everyday...the weight of your own mortality.