>Her rp is cringy as fuck >Has to insert her character's loldumb moments into another character's spotlight
It's probably not up yet but if you watch the most recent episode of critical role you'll see just how bad she really is in the first 40 minutes
Jace Wood
Stan Lee needs to drain vitality.
Nolan Moore
Not want to play/ not allow >womyn >brown people >the cool kid stereotype a.k.a. Chad Thundercock >mentally ill (ponyfags, furfags, moefags etc.)
Carson Barnes
That was so awful to watch
Sebastian Gonzalez
>Liking orion He was the one person worse than Marisha
Brandon Morales
>Can we derail this thread, and just talk about Marisha, why viewers seem to dislike her? The viewers do not like her because her character is literally unbearable and the only one to even come close to calling her on it is based Percy.
Which is why i'm anticipating the 'Taliesin wants to make time for other projects so he's leaving' episode.
Levi Morales
Orion was great. Though your story isn't really syncing up with the first hand information he gave as to why he left the show. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that it was due to 'offtable drama toolishness'? Others are also welcome to interject any sort of evidence if they have it on hand.
Anthony Allen
Wheaton has a tendency to get the rules wrong when he's doing a show about a game, and when called on it will make a massive, rambling wall of text blog post throwing his producer or interns under the bus for not giving him the right cliff notes because he's a busy guy and doesn't have time to learn games and it's not his fault.
Julian Smith
Rather than just admit he made a mistake, like all people occasionally do.
Luis Perry
How does this even happen? /r9k/ is a "degenerate" hellhole, shouldn't government-funded NEETs and Internet pretend Nazis hate each other?
Anyway, I would not want to play with this guy, because he's autistic.